Vanilla girl

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Jack invited me to your funeral, now that I think about it it's weird, isn't it? That you're dead, gone, never coming back. I love waking up in the morning because just for a second, I forget that I'll never see you again. Something shifted ever so slightly inside of me when my mother told me, I always thought of suicide as a backup plan, now I know I want to live, I just wish I was living with you beside me. I'm so mad and so confused and lost, I'm everything all at once. Why didn't you leave a note? I love you, Sophie, I always have and always will. But right now, the hate I feel for you burns my blood. I used to steal your clothes just so I could fall asleep with the smell of you, vanilla and cigarettes. Sometimes when the wind blows just right, I can still smell you beside me. I always hated waiting for you to finish puking out your lunch in the bathroom stall at school, it hurt me so much to hear your gags and sobs. I wanted to help you, but I feared losing you. Whenever I bought it up, I saw that look cross your face, that dark dark look, was that the look you had on your face when they found you? We always held each other close; we saved each other, I just couldn't stand there and watch you fall apart all over again, I loved you, Sophie, I really loved you, and now I can never tell you. 

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