CHAPTER 1: A long day at work

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I was walking through the science facility where I work as an assistant to one of the researchers.

"Sky where are you off to" said Blaze as walked over to me.

"To get some lunch why brother" I asked him.

"Eiden is looking for you" Blaze said with a smile.

"A...are you sure that Eiden was looking for me and not his wife" I asked him

"Yep" my twin said.

It turns out that Eiden was going to treat me to lunch and ice cream Mira was excited for ice cream and to have me around and I felt happy to be with them only to find out that Mira had fallen ill. I watch Eiden go from a happy man to someone who would do anything to save his daughter so I helped him as we were going over the paperwork the phone rang and Eiden answered it. I didn't say anything just by the look on his face I knew it was the hospital and that Mira was gone. *10 years later* Eiden was arrested for his so-called crime and I ended up in the hospital with the same illness as Mira but I was able to see him before I became ill. On the day of his execution I had asked Blaze to help Eiden and Blaze did. My brother got Black into the prison and turned off the power. After Black killed the people in the prison. My brother Blaze had gotten shot by a guard while trying to get Eiden out of the electric chair as Blaze landed on the chair he whispered into Eiden's left ear as if to tell this to black

"No matter what happens in the future I'm sure you will find my sister again and this time you will be happy" said Blaze as he died.

Eiden unfortunately died by electrocution.

**Present time**

"NOOOOOO" I Said as I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat with tears rolling down my face. I was so busy hyperventilating that I didn't know that I had woken black up.

"Fen are you okay" said Black as he sat up and hugged me.

"Yeah I'm okay" I said as I looked around to see that I was in our bedroom. I saw that Hati and Swad were still asleep

"Zzzzz" said Swad as he was holding Hati and the twin boys Devon and Ember.

I got up and headed to the door.

"Fen" said Black

"I'm just going for a walk" I said.

I was really going to the gym to train to clear my head and I could tell that black understood that whatever I dreamt about was still bothering me and he nodded as he spoke.

"Ok just be careful" Black told me.

"Hehehe I will" I said as I left the bedroom and headed to the gym to train with my bow and arrow.

**In the gym**

As I was shooting arrows at the targets. New fate Ink showed up.

"Hey sunshine~" said nf Ink.

"Ink" I said as I ignored him.

"What are you doing~" he asked in a flirty way.

"Training" I said as I looked at him from the corner of my eye lights.

"Can I watch you" Ink said annoyingly.

"No" I said.

"Aw why not" said Ink.

"I mean you can unless you want to be used for target practice" I said evilly.

"😅 Ha ha no thanks" said Ink as he backed off.

"Humph" I said as I kept hitting bullseyes. When I heard a familiar voice to see nf Error and I was happy.

"Wow nice hit Sunshine" said NF Error.

"Hehehehe hi Error" I said.

Error said nothing as he just watched me.

"Hey sunshine have you ever killed anyone before" said Error.

Well this question surprised me, not going to lie. I trust Error so I will just tell him the truth.

"Yes I have" I said.

"!! Wait what" said Error as he looks at me with a look that says who are you and what have you done with the shy bean that is Sunshine.

"It was to save first it was an accident but the villagers blamed Eve for a kid's death so I told them that I was the one who killed the kid because he was bullying Eve. The villagers didn't believe me and kept hurting Eve. So once eve was safe in the elven forest I headed back to the tree of feelings and the villagers ordered me to tell them where eve was. I told them no. So the villagers started to call Eve a demon and that he should have never existed so I attacked and killed them." I said as I was telling Error the truth.

"Why are you telling me this" said Error.

"Because you are my friend and I trust you" I said.

"Hmm" said Error as I unsummoned my bow.

As Error and I sat down. Did Error speak again.

"Sunshine" said Error.

"Yes Error" I said as I looked at him.

"Do you regret killing the villagers"said Error.

"No" I said.

Honestly why should I. Eve and I were treated objects and not people. I hate the villagers. I hated being called Dream. The name itself was a reminder of how weak and naive I was. Now that I started going by sunshine. I was no longer weak and naive. I was no longer Dream. I was no longer going to let my brother suffer just because he exists. I started to hate other versions of myself. To me, I only cared about my brother no matter what au they are from. To me, other dreams minus Swad were the enemy that I had to protect night from.

"Sunshine. HEY SUNSHINE" said Error.

"Hmm" I said looking tiredly at Error.

"Go get some sleep"said Error with a smile.

"Okay night Error" I said.

As I headed back to Black's bedroom only to be stopped by NF Ink, Blue and Dream.

"Sunshine how could you" said Dream.

I said nothing and tried to walk.

"STOP" Dream yelled at me.

I stopped as I was pissed off and said as I looked at him.

"What are you going to do dream. Are you going to kill me" I said.

"I will if I have to" said Dream.

"Leave him alone Dream" said Nightmare.


Hearing Night being called a parasite had made me mad and I attacked Dream well more like I had him pinned to the wall.


"Good" I said as I dropped Dream to the ground and walked to bed.

**In Black's bedroom**

Once in Black's bedroom I took a shower and dried off then got dressed only to be hugged by Swad who was behind me.

"Oh hi Swad" I said.

"Are you alright dear" Swad said.

"Yeah I'm okay" I said.

"Good now let's go to bed" said Swad as he picked me up.

"Hehe okay" I said.

Once in bed I fall asleep hugging black. That way I felt safe. Being close to my two lovers and my second personality. The night was going well and this was the calmest I have ever been since I had destroyed the village in my home au. I wanted to forget about it and the villagers so much

(KreatorBlackMoon I hope you like it 🥰😘💖)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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