26. Destiny's POV: The Boat

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Vigdis rouses us at daybreak, leaving both Rune and me utterly exhausted. It's safe to say that we didn't do much sleeping last night. I still can't believe I'm no longer a virgin. I feel sore in places that I'm not used to being sore but I'm glad that I finally did it. Rune was so sweet and gentle with me all night. We cleanse ourselves in the frigid waters of the stream before loading up Remi, Rinsley, Katla, and all our livestock onto a carriage drawn by Vigdis's horse. Rune hoists me onto Vidar and settles in behind me, while Kolbjorn and Sigmund take their places on their own horses. Asta, without uttering a word, mounts her white stallion as we bid farewell to the farm. I lean back against Rune and before I know it, I drift into a deep slumber.

I am abruptly awakened by the sudden halt of the horses and Rune's urgent voice addressing someone. "No! Are you out of your mind? That creature will grow up and be a threat to us all!"

It dawns on me that he's arguing with Asta when she retorts, "It's just a baby, and she belongs to me, not you. We discovered her mother's dead body back there, so she's all alone now."

It takes a moment for me to comprehend that Asta is cradling a small, snowy-white bundle of fur in her arms. As the creature turns to face me, I realize it's a polar bear cub – small in size, but undeniably a fucking polar bear.

"If she wishes to bring the cub along, let her," Vigdis interjects. "It's her decision."

Rune mutters under his breath, "It's as foolish as adopting a wolf pup. These animals will be our deaths one day." I suspect only I can hear his words.

Shortly after, we reach the boat in the early evening. Rune assists me in dismounting Vidar and then helps Kolbjorn and Vigdis load the horses onto the spacious yet narrow vessel, adorned with a carved wooden dragon head at its bow. After Katla and Remi, who is cradling the wolf pup, and I climb aboard, we settle on the left side of the boat near the dragon head. Meanwhile, the others secure the horses and livestock on the opposite side of the ship, fastening them to small iron rings embedded in the wooden hull.

Rune joins me, taking a seat beside me, closer to the water, and grabbing one of the long oars. Kolbjorn occupies the seat across from him, holding the other oar, leaving me in the middle. Sigmund and Vigdis are on the other side of the boat, sitting near the animals, facing each other with oars in hand. Asta positions herself next to Vigdis, cradling the polar bear cub in her arms as if it were a baby.

"Have you ever been on a boat before?" Kolbjorn asks me.

"No, never," I admit to him.

He smiles at me. "Let's hope for smooth sailing, then."

As the boat starts moving into open water, I can feel knots forming in my stomach, so I scoot over to the spot next to Remi, Rinsley, and Katla.

"Have you guys ever been on a boat?" I ask them as Rinsley paddles over to me, playfully attacking my hands and nibbling on my fingers.

Remi shakes his head at me, but Katla says, "I have, once. It was years ago when the Vikings raided Mercia and took me as a slave."

"That's terrible," I tell her. "Don't you want to go back home?"

She casually shrugs and leans against the hardwood. "No. I don't have any friends, family, or life to return to. My father forced me into a nunnery."

I don't say anything, but I understand all too well what she means. If it weren't for Cassie and Miles, I would have nobody to go home to. Rinsley curls up in my lap, and together we both fall asleep.

I wake up abruptly as the boat rocks violently back and forth. I'm surprised to find that it's the middle of the night and extremely windy, but fortunately, there are no clouds in the sky.

"How long have I been asleep?" I inquire, turning to Rune. He and Kolbjorn are the only ones still awake, steering the boat.

"A few hours," he replies, flashing me a smile. "Although I must say, I missed your company. Kolbjorn is quite dull compared to you."

"Only because I don't suck you—!" Kolbjorn shouts from the other side, but Rune interrupts him.

"That's enough!" he chuckles, and I join in laughter. The waves are already starting to calm, and the darkness envelops us, save for the dim light of the lantern hanging beneath the sails.

"How much longer until we reach The Land of the Gods?" I ask, curiosity piqued.

"A few days," he informs me. Suddenly, I realize that I desperately need to go pee.

"Um... Where should I go if I need to use the bathroom?" I ask Rune, shifting uncomfortably.

"The water," he replies casually, and I look at him in shock.

"But it's the middle of the night! There could be sharks out there!" I protest, feeling panic rise within me. I'd rather endure the discomfort of holding it in than risk jumping into the open ocean in the darkness.

"I believe Vigdis packed a chamber pot," he offers. "I can find it for you."

"Right in front of everyone...?" I feel a wave of nausea wash over me.

"Everyone else is asleep except for the three of us. And if Kolbjorn tries to peek, I'll knock his teeth out," he jokes. "If it would make you more comfortable, I can also block his view."

I don't really have a choice, so I reluctantly nod, my face burning with embarrassment. This adventure is not turning out to be as enjoyable as I had hoped.

Rune gets up and searches the boat for a few minutes before returning with a small wooden chamber pot. He places it in the darkest corner of the boat, ensuring it's away from prying eyes. My cheeks still flushed with embarrassment, Rune positions himself in front of me and turns away as I lift my skirt and robe, hastily trying to relieve myself into the pot.

In my rush, I realize I have nothing to wipe with. Desperate for a solution, I tear off the bottom of my night shift, hidden beneath my clothing. As I go to discard the fabric into the pot, I notice a small stain of blood. I grumble under my breath, frustrated that I don't have more fabric to place beneath my legs, hoping that the stain is enough to manage my period. I'm relieved that I didn't choose to face the sharks instead. This fucking sucks.

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