Chapter 1: The move

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  We turn up the lonely road to Velvette street, a random place in Hurricane Utah that you've never heard of and neither has the majority of the population with the looks of this small, lonely town.It was named after some random politician you think, but you aren't sure. Who names a street after a politician? Randos in Hurricane apparently.

Anyways, you pull up to the house. It looks old. And huge. Like those big old timey houses that old rich snobs live in. You grab your bags and walk in. It is big. The rest of your family walks in, with your dad lugging a bunch of bags, your mom carrying a lot of stuff and chattering about fixing up the house, and your little brother B/N, trying (and failing) to carry one of his big bags M/N packed for him. 4-year olds like him aren't exactly the bodybuilder type.

"Oh! This house is so nice!" Your mom exclaims.
"I told you it would be awesome!" Your dad chimes in, a bit to smugly. You huff and try your best not to roll your eyes.

Fine. You admit it. You aren't happy with this move. It's a good house sure, but it isn't fun to leave your life, your school, your house, your friends, and everything and everyone you've ever known behind for your moms new job. She's working at a random engineering company called "Afon robots" or something. Oh no, that's not right. It's "Afton Robotics" Whatever.

Your brother jumps up and down.
"It IS awesome! I love it! I love you mommy!" B/N rushes forward and hugs M/N.
"You too daddy!" B/N hugs D/N too.

You decide to go find your room. You walk up the stairs. Your door is right at the top. You open it, walk in, and drop your bags on the floor. You immediately start pulling stuff out and putting them on the walls. You might as well try and make this place feel more like home.

F/B poster? Bam! On that wall!
Bedside lamp? Bam!
Lotion? Bam!
Mirror? Bam!

You do this for about 30 minutes then step back to admire your work. You feel a bit better.

"Y/N!" You hear your mom calling you.
You pop your head out your door "Yes?"
"We have guests coming over for dinner! Get ready please!" Your mom yells.

Your eyes widen. Guests? You kind of hate having dinner guests, cause at least 80% the time you don't know them, and it's bad enough if your parents make something awful and to avoid looking even a bit picky, spoiled or bratty, you have to eat all the food awkwardly at a table with them, and god forbid it's an old family friend and they pull the good old "My gosh! You've grown! I knew you when you were a baby!" And you just have to either pretend you know them, or you flat out admit you have no idea who they are.

Well, you guess you'll find out how this one goes.

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