Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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Phone Guy's Pov
I can't believe I have to do this. Why doesn't someone else clean this place up? Or better yet, close it down and leave it forever. I don't know what I would do if Freddy's shut down. I don't know what they'd do with me, but it would be worth it. This place is cursed.

I sigh and grab a mop. Iv been cleaning since last night. I overheard Henry telling Mrs. L/N that Evan survived, but had serious brain injuries. Of course they didn't think to tell me anything.

I start to mop up the blood.

After awhile, I start to make some progress. My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. I can almost feel Fredbears eyes burning into my back. They should've burned that cursed thing years ago. It's ugly and barely functioning.

"Employee." I turn around. There I see Henry, my pink skinned boss. He has a sad expression.

"Yes Mr. Emily?"

Henry sighs and looks down. "We have one more party, and then Freddy's is shutting down..."

I feel a surge of anger. "We still have a party?!? AFTER-" I feel a buzz in my phone head and stop talking. "Of course Mr. Emily, I'll get ready."

"Oh and employee? We have a new employee who'll be performing tomorrow in the suit." Henry says.

"He signed up? After... you know..."

"Well, he signed up right before it happened yesterday, and he hasn't worked yet. Silly Willy made him sign a contract so he can't leave." Henry said.

"Oh. Uh, who is he?" I ask.

"His name is Issac Angelo."
Your POV
You wake up in the morning. Well less like waking up and more like realizing it's morning. You didn't sleep. How could you? Evan might die. Evan probably WILL die. You stand up shakily. You need food.

You wobble to the kitchen where Silly Willy is drinking coffee.

"Mornin Y/N." Will says.

You turn on him. "How are you so calm?? Your son might die!!!"

"Oh he probably will. But I have a plan. So don't you worry Y/N." William says. "Go get Michael up. He won't move."

You cross your arms. "Fine."

You step up the stairs. You don't want to see Michael. But you're too tired, sad, worried, and confused to argue.

You knock on his door. "Michael?

No response. As expected.

You open the door and peak in. He's there. He's laying on his bed, curled up, staring blankly into nothing. He's shivering slightly. He looks cold. He still doesn't have a shirt, he probably never changed clothes considering he still has blood on his shorts. The fan is on high and he hasn't pulled blankets over himself. Besides blinking and the gentle rise and fall of his chest, he isn't moving.

You're surprised to feel a song of sympathy. You walk over to him and sit next to him. "...Michael?"

Your words seem to snap him out of his daze. "Y-Yeah...?"

"Your dad wants you to come down and eat something..." You say hesitantly, trying to avoid triggering him.

"N-no." He answers.

"Please? You need to eat something. You're going to starve..." You say.

"Maybe that's for the better... I-I'm dangerous Y/N. Y-You saw f-first hand what I d-did..." Michael says.

"It was an accident." You say firmly.

"It doesn't matter if it was an accident or on purpose. The outcome is the same..." He says, his eyes starting to well up with tears.

"Hey, Evan might survive." You say, your voice trembling slightly.

"But..." Michaels voice drops to a small whisper. "... H-He p-p-probably won't...." The tears spill over and Michael lays there, tears dripping from his eyes and trembling.

"Hey, hey." You hug him and hold him in your arms as he cries. "Don't give up hope. I'm getting food for you and you're gonna eat it."

Michael nods slightly and you leave. You come back later with a small plate of pretzels and blackberries.

"Eat up." You say.

Michael sits up a bit and starts eating. While he eats, you begin to cry. It's too much. Evan might die. You'll never hear him break the fourth wall, you'll never see him stare sadly at his food, you'll never see him do anything ever again if he dies.

Michael looks at you with concern and scoots over, motioning for you to sit down. You sit down on the side of his bed and he hugs you. As you hug him back, he starts crying too and you two lay there together, comforting each other.

Hi pookies! Did y'all like it? I do have a quick note though. So you probably noticed me mentioning Henry having pink skin. That's cause his Dsaf version has pink skin, but they are NOT the same person. In this fic, Henry is an okay guy. Not as bad as Silly Willy and certainly not near as bad as Henry Miller. He's like an in between. He isn't a murderer but he doesn't care much about his employees. Basically, he's worse than what the fandom has turned him into but better than Henry Miller. Hope that cleared something up.

I love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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