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Nera held herself ramrod straight as she entered the Great Hall of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. The room was even more formidably large than the first one. But this time, there were significantly more people. Clearly she was no longer the only guest staying in the fortress.

The Baron's sheer physical presence was frightening. But he was so intent on gorging himself that he barely acknowledged her as she bent her knees and curtseyed in front of him.

The chatter around her silenced as she passed but immediately resumed with a new topic of interest. People were tremendously eager to gossip about her it seemed. Twisting stories.

"Now that is woman I'd like to make my introductions to." The Count whispered conspiratorially, his dark eyes following her regal movements. "The last Princess of Ix, I'll be damned. You'll forgive me for saying this Na-Baron, but you must concede one thing to Leto Atreides, he always got his hands on finest women."

"Did he?"

"Kylena Vernius, that one's older sister. Incredible looking creature. Then Lady Jessica, another beauty. And then he had the foresight to keep the younger sister for his own son. Greedy fellow," he chuckled,"let's just hope she's not as murderous as her sister," the Count continued before glancing up at his hosts formidable nephew, "unless you like that sort of thing."


Feyd Rautha looked at the Count sharply, "Tell me what you know."

Count Fenring's puny chest swelled with his own self importance at finally having the full Na-Baron's attention. 

"Well...her older sister was betrothed to Leto Atreides. First love, sweethearts that sort of thing. Stunningly beautiful. Different to this one though," his eyes trailed back to Nera, "Princess Kailea was darker, almost feline looking if I remember correctly. She took after her father the Earl. This one has all the features of their mother. One of the Emperor's most coveted concubines, Shando could stop a man dead in his tracks, I've seen it happen. But I grow distracted, forgive me. Kailea gave Leto a son, and was sure to be his wife. Until Lady Jessica arrived on Caladan at the orders of the Bene Gesserit and disrupted all her plans."

The Count leaned closer to whisper his voice almost a purr, "I never learned all the details, but she tried to murder the Duke...terrible business."

The Na-Baron took this information in, pondering it carefully. The Duke fathered a child with her sister? Then how was Paul Atreides his heir? Who was this lonely girl, stranded in his Uncle's palace? Whose mysterious face he had kept him up in the dark of the night, the features he had carefully drawn and torn up a dozen times.

"You will please excuse me Na-Baron." Fenring said, his eyes darting over to Peter De Vries who was waiting to speak to him. No doubt about the Emperor's displeasure.

Feyd Rautha waved him off, losing interest in the little man. The room was filled with a lively crowd, bustling, talking and dancing. But by the sullen gaze of the Na-Baron across the packed hall, this wasn't a usual or welcome affair. The Baron on the other hand was more interested in his meal, only taking breaks from gorging himself to wipe his greasy fingers onto the dress of a slave standing by.


Some space away, sat Nera Vernius expressionless with her hands folded neatly on her lap. She was as pale as a Harkonnen, and like Feyd Rautha had refused to eat anything. Something about the violence with which the Baron consumed his meals always made people around him lose their appetite. The evening was wearing on, and the Princess looked unhappy and bored sitting stiffly in her high backed seat. Not that he could blame her.

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