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~<After classes>~

I had stayed behind the class for detention

bakugo usually is the first one to leave but today its the opposite, he stayed behind aswell..

did he also get detention?

bakugo:"oi deku!"

i guess not..

me:"y-yes kacchan?"

bakugo then strode to the door but stopped before leaving

bakugo:"you know if you really wanna be a hero that badly there might actually be another way"

i was confused, was kacchan telling me i could be a hero?

theres no way he could just change like that..

or could he?

was he really-

my thoughts were cut off by bakugos next sentence

bakugo:"just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life"

i was even more confused now, is he just telling me to die again?

bakugo:"and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"

bakugo laughed to himself and finally left me there



how could he?

how DARE he?

does he know what ive been through?




the only one..




i hadn't realized i was about to cry

damn it!

heros dont cry!

suck it up!

i take my phone out my pocket and send a quick text to shinsou telling him i wouldn't be able to make it to training tonight


me:"i must be being punished for something"

me:"i deserve to be quirkless"

before i knew it three hours had passed and i was allowed to leave

so i packed my ugly backpack up and left for home.

my house was about 30 minutes away from school walking,

running was about 15,

sprinting i could make it there in 7 minutes.


and so i sprinted home.

it drained energy but it helped my stamina grow.

the UA entrance exam was in a week and if i wanted to pass i needed as much training as possible.

meaning anything and everything that could possibly help me i would do.

once i got home i was out of breath but forced myself not to pant.

panting lowers my immunity for running, so i dont pant.

If i want to make it into UA i have to work harder then everyone else.

I was broke from my train of thought when i hear a knock on the door.

was mom home?

no that wouldn't make sense.

she gets off work after im already supposed to be sleeping.

I open the door to see shinsou standing there.

me:"wha- shinsou what are you doing here"

shinsou:"well its kind of weird that you'd cancel training the week of the UA entrance exam, whats going on? what happened?"

me:"w- nothing happened"

I smile, trying my best to act normal, but fail miserably as shinsou glares at me silently basically telling me to tell the truth

me:"well, i- uh, i got detention and couldn't make it"

Just tell him the bare minimum and make it sound like its not the bare minimum.

shinsou:"and how did you get detention?"

me:"i was late for class.."

shinsou:"and why were you late for class?"

me:"i- uh"

me:"i just slept in on accident, my alarm clock broke"

Just lie, its not the right thing to do but, im already to much of a burden so.

shinsou:"hm, okay then, if you say, i believe you"


shinsou:"were you planning on training today even though it's already late?"

me:"w- its only 7??"

shinsou:"still late, say i didnt see a car in your driveway are your parents home?"

me:"uh, moms at work"

shinsou:"okayy, this conversation is going nowhere tell me why you actually were late for class"

me:"i already said my alarm clock broke"

shinsou:"i can see right through your lies, tell me the truth or i'll force the truth from you with my quirk"

me:"but thats not fair, i already said-"

Shinsou used his quirk on me, of course , he's going to find out.

Shinsou:"listen, i would make you tell me why you were late, but i won't, it could be personal, just, know you can tell me anything"

He deactivated his quirk and i was free to use my body again.

me:"..yeah i know"


shinsou:"sorry for what? if you're not comfortable sharing something thats fine you dont have to be sorry"


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