Good Times

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I had lots of fun over this past weekend. I met my new mentor her name is Keisha. She's very nice and been helping me out and been taking good care of me on the weekends. I see her every Saturdays for 6 hours and Mondays for 3 hours. Me and her went to the mall on Saturday and got some lunch. I got burger and fries and a soda and she got fish and chips and a lemonade. It was so good. Anyways after lunch we chat and talked and we walked around the mall and me and her gets along very well. She was talking about my goals and teaching me how to get to those goals in the future as time goes on. And starting the next Monday coming up I will see her every Mondays as well. So that means I will see her every Saturdays and Mondays. One of my friends have a mentor too that they see every weekend too but they only see their mentor on Saturdays. Me and my mentor was also playing videos games when we got home we had a blast together. I'm so excited to see her soon again. And guess what? I'm gonna start getting money soon I have an SSI appointment on June 10th so we can get started for that so I'm gonna start having some income for myself. That's really exciting. And I made some new friends as well from the program and are in contact with them. We been playing video games online this game called asphalt 9. It's a really good game and you can play that game online as well with other people. You can play it on Xbox and Nintendo switch. I play it on the Nintendo switch. My new friends do the same as well. Me and my new friends gets along very well. Oh and my birthday coming up soon on a Wednesday this month which is May 22nd. I'm turning 18 years old. So yeah my 18th birthday coming up soon and I will be very busy I will be going out with my grandmother and parents to Outback Steakhouse at the mall. Outback Steakhouse is my number 1 favorite restaurant. Like hell yeah. Me and my grandmother kind of got into a little bit of an argument last night which she pretty much started. I was standing up for myself cause she started yelling first so I stood up for myself. My family can be annoying as hell at times but they claim that they still love me and always will love me. Honestly I kinda find it hard to believe due to the way they been treating me. Anyways yeah my 18th birthday coming up on May 22nd. I can't wait. My new friends say they all have a surprise for me that day over group call. My new mentor is an awesome mentor and we had a blast together. I am also so excited for the summer soon which is next month in June. My favorite season is the summer. Finally it will be summer soon once again. I had a really good summer back in 2022. When I was 16 years old. Anyways that's gonna be it for this story. I'm gonna go play online now in asphalt 9 of course lol. Byeeeeee
Also here's a song :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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