The Artist~Liam Dunbar

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You've been awake for hours trying to perfect your drawing. It was just the hand that you had trouble with. It was 1 in the morning, and you had school that day, but you needed to get this right.

"(Y/n) why are you still awake?" Liam grumbled. "Because I can be." You answered. You continued to hunch over your sketch without looking at him. "How do you manage to sit like that?" He asked. You shrugged your shoulders in response.

"Well, I'm going back to sleep." He mumbled, turning over onto his side. The lines on your sketch became blurry, so you figured it was a good time to sleep, too. You set your sketchbook down on your nightstand and almost immediately fell asleep.

"(Y/n) you're gonna be late for school!" You heard Liam shout. "5 more minutes." You groaned, rolling over to your side to shield your face from the light. "Is that a cup of water by your sketching book?" Liam gasped. Your eyes shot open, and you jumped out of bed.

"Hardy har." You muttered, finding out that there was no water. You got dressed, and you both waited for Stiles to pick you both up. You leaned into Liam and closed your eyes. "Was staying up that late worth it?" He joked. "Yes."

"Get in." Stiles said, unlocking the jeep for you both. You and Liam clamberd into the vehicle before Stiles drove off. And you both knew damn well that he would drive off without you.

"Liam. Do not move." You demanded, hastily taking out your sketchbook. "Is there a bug on me?" He stammered. "No, just don't move your hand." You murmured. You started shading where you needed to, but Stiles had parked the jeep at the school.

"Payment." Stiles said, holding out his hand. Liam gave him a high five and ran out of the jeep and into the school. "Okay (Y/n), we're here." Stiles said, opening your door to prompt you to get out.

You sat down in your first class and listened to coach drone on about the economics of business. Boring as hell. It's not like you had anything against coach. You just didn't like the class in general.

(Time skip)

"(Y/n), are you listening?" Liam sighed. You looked up from his desk. "Sorry, what were you saying?" You asked. He flopped down onto his bed while facing you. "What are you drawing?" He questioned again. "You'll see." You answered.

"Could you take a break? I'm lonely." He pouted. "A couple more minutes." You murmured. "Yeah, it's always a couple more minutes." He mumbled. "I'm sorry, what was that?" You inquired. But you knew damn well what he said.

"It was nothing. Nevermind." He sighed. "Okay, well, it's been nice hanging out, but I think I'll leave now." You hissed, tossing your notebook and pencil into your bag and marched out the door. "(Y/n) wait." Liam said.

"You're complaining about a couple of minutes? Now try a couple of hours." You hissed, stomping over to your house. "I'll text you when I'm over it." You said, slamming the door in his face.

Liam knew how much you loved drawing. But he's rarely ever been like that before. You didn't know what his problem was, but you've had enough.

You did some homework and showered, and then you contemplated to text Liam or not. But you were still somewhat upset with him, so you decided to finally finish your drawing.

It was a picture of your first date with him, but you obviously changed the positions and background. And you were going to give it to him on his and yours anniversary. Which was tomorrow.

You ended up staying up later than you planned. You needed it to be perfect. You added the finishing touch by signing your name at the bottom. And then you stared at your phone, debating texting him. Then you started to zone out, and you fell asleep.

You woke up either a couple minutes or a couple hours later to Liam knocking on your window.

"Get in! How are you staying there!" You whisper-shouted, throwing open your window. You didn't have a ledge outside your window. It was just a tiny strip of wood. "Spite of gravity." He joked.

"Why are you here?" You questioned. "You hadn't texted me, so I got worried."
"Maybe I was still upset." You mumbled.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I was a total ass and I'll never do that again. Please, I'm so sorry."

He took your hands in his and kneeled on the ground in front of you. "Yeah, fine. But get up." You chuckled. You pulled him closer to you and pressed your lips to his. "I forgive you."

You glanced at the clock and saw that it was 12:36 at night. "Well, since it's basically our 2 year dating anniversary, here's this." You said, handing him the sheet of paper. "It's what I've been working on." You added.

He took it gently, and his jaw dropped. "You did this?" He stammered. You nodded your head and smiled. His eyes started watering as he brought you into a hug. "Now I'm really sorry that I got mad at you." He murmured. "It's fine." You said, playing with his hair.

"I'm gonna frame this and cherish it for the rest of our lives." He promised. You smiled and lay down next to him on the bed. "It'll be worth millions one day." You joked.

"I think it's worth more than that." He stated. "Even better." You smiled.

He took you into his arms, and like that, you fell asleep at a halfway decent time.

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! Love you all! ♡♡♡ And I apologize that this was kinda short :(

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