Chapter 1-Pilot

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It took a while to rub off all the earth that clung onto my skin, hunched over the bathroom sink and rubbing relentlessly, the once clean faucet-water becoming black and murky as it trailed down my hands and along the toothpaste-clogged drain that was stained with makeup and whatever leaf debris that ran with me from the woods. A wave of nausea sent me hunched further over the sink as a pressure carelessly pounded at the wall of my skull. I turned the sink off and sank further to the tile, my wet hands sliding against the messy sink cabinets as my knees met the cool linoleum floor carelessly. I let my breathing get heavier as my head just hangs there and my eyes trace the cracks in the floor. Left-over water from my hands drips and makes quiet sharp sounds grounding me to reality.

My gaze lifts from the floor to the bathroom door, not even shut from the hurry I was in just merely minutes ago. My body felt limp and was shaking, pumped full with adrenaline as if it was happening right now, as if the images sliding frantically through my consciousness were happening again on the white linoleum. The images of the dirt as I slid down on the earthy ground, my hands and sides covered in thick dark mud as the rain poured down, pieces of hair sticking to my forehead with the droplets from the clouds and my own sweat while my heavy breathing began to toll like a death chime in my ears. I would look up and down and turn and twist my body every which way to see if he was around again. I would wait for the unmistakable smell of metal and the blood and oh god- how there was so much of it. I felt like I could almost hear the heart beating in my chest again- or was it beating that hard still even now? I couldn't care less as the gore and screams and frantic whispers reminding me of my own fragile mortality rode on the back of whistling leaves and seeped into my raw eardrums. 

Still even now, as I now sit here shaking and the ugly white lights drilled into the ceiling turn my surroundings to a blinding white landscape, it still feels hard to even comprehend the fact that I'm safe. And I felt as though every second I stay still is a death trap. I don't know how long I have been sitting here compared to the time I was out in the wilderness for-which couldn't of been for more than a few hours if it was just to walk to the gas station and back. I got up slowly and leaned against the wall for a few more minutes before being able to peak outside from the bathroom into the small hallway, dim lightbulbs illuminating the old wood-covered surfaces in the small cabin-like house I had decided to stay in over the summer to get a taste of what living independently outside of college dorms was like. Unfortunately what was unbeknownst to me was that all I have been tasting for the past week would be nasty-quality drainage and terrible electricity and service with the only benefit of occasional isolation (when needed), and the sounds of nature that infiltrated through the thin walls while I slept. 

As I gently made my way out of the bathroom and into the hallway, I looked though to my bedroom, and then along the terribly-painted wooden stair rail and peered down at the door, eyeing the each of the windows next to it. The sun was almost finished going down, taking away any leftover light, which made it hard to see far through the windows, especially at this distance from the door. I crept a little down the stairs, bracing myself for any sort of scary picture to pop out at any moment. My eyes kept glued to the windows by the door until I was fully down the stairs and now peering through them. Oh crap, what if he came here? What if he came back? I was close to tearing up as I watched the black outlines of the trees surrounding my small cabin as they sway gently through the breeze, occasionally jumping as my eyes decide to form bushes and tree branches into a figure out to get me. I felt as though I was watching so long at this point that I was waiting for the danger I was running from previously to follow me home.

I'm not even sure what it was that had killed the girl.

Or what it was that had looked at me so manically, so- wildly.

Or what it was that had me screaming, begging for anybody to take me out of this nightmarish situation as I fell to the muddy ground and let my bloody fate consume me, or even what it was that I was running from as I got up. I dropped my phone as I fell and left it there. I had no way of calling for help, and I knew I had to stick it through the night until I could walk to get help in the morning.

As I felt silent and terror-filled tears roll down my face. I hadn't realized that my hand was shakily clutching the lock on the door, A soft breeze hitting my face.

A soft breeze.


A soft breeze. Inside a locked house.

I slowly turned around as I had realized the only way I could have felt it. 

My window.

It was closed before.

And then my stomach dropped as the terrible realization settled in that locks on my doors was not the current thing I should be worried about.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Author's Note!✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Hey guys! Thanks for giving my first chapter a listen! I will be trying to get as many parts as I can, and hopefully you guys can read about the creepypastas soon! and I am open to any commentary. Hopefully you like this story and where is headed, so if you do please feel welcome to follow up and read more! xoxo

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