Chapter 2- The Tall Man

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I froze in my steps. The window was open and I KNEW it was closed before. I was almost CERTAIN it was closed. I looked. I. LOOKED. At the windows and they were closed. CLOSED.

I looked forward into the bottom floor of the house, nothing was open, and the draft felt like it was coming from upstairs.

I wasn't sure what to do in this situation, whether I should run out the door or just bite the bullet and close the window in case it was a mistake, I mean I was looking outside the entire time so surely it had to be a coincidence. Nobody could of made it past the front of my house and get close enough to reach the back and crawl through a window, let alone open it in the amount of time without some form of detection- yeah, there was no way, and if in case anybody was following me from whatever just happened, I should close it.

Still, it was a gut feeling that made me go up the stairs so quietly and cautiously. I made my way slowly up the stairs again, terrified that even though unlikely, I might see something crawling through an open window, ready to tear me apart brutally.

I had reached the top of the stairs and looked at all the windows from the hallway, the draft still felt like it was coming from my room. The door to it was open but looking into it was like looking into a dark abyss. To make myself feel safer, I turned back into the bathroom and found the best weapon I could find at the moment in case of an emergency- which was a plunger. I mean, if I couldn't hit anybody, I may as well hope that anything that were to come in here was an extreme germaphobe.

Gripping the plunger to the point that my knuckles turned white,  I turned on the light switch as I entered my room, which didn't help the situation or myself mentally when all it did was flicker on and give out. My eyes scanned the room-nothing. I held the plunger with both hands now, baseball-style. I checked at the window, which was indeed open. I then quickly checked all corners of my room, including flying open the doors of my closet. Feeling the draft again was a quick reminder to run over to close the window and lock it, which I did through nothing but the soft light of the moon peaking just barely through the trees as the clouds now revealed it.

Now, I know at that moment I should have been relieved, and that I should had even laughed at myself, but something still felt amiss. I starred even further out the window, my hands gently placed over the window sill after setting my plunger on the wood floor. No immediate signs of danger seemed to be outside either, which was now fully dark and the sun was fully down. Nothing but the crickets and slight whisper of trees were able to give me an idea of what was out there. I had decided that maybe going to bed was the best plan or to wait until morning to get help for what I saw, but my plans were immediately foiled the second I turned around.

There, standing in the corner, was a man- a faceless man. And he was tall. I mean, I was tall for a girl, I stood around 6 feet but the man had TOWERED over me, his head hitting the ceiling.

I didn't even care to take in any more details such as the entire suit he had on or hit pale-white skin before I let out the loudest scream I think I may have let free from my lungs in my entire existence. Worst part of all was the fact that he was blocking the door, so there was nowhere to run- if I was even dreaming of running. From the way that he appeared just like that had to of made him abnormally fast. My breath hitched into the back of my throat, it felt as though the wind knocked out of me again. I knew that I was never really safe, but there was a glimmer of hope in the back of my head that had just been extinguished just as fast as it had arrived the moment I saw nothing in my room before. My eyes stared in horror, my lip quivered. No, this isn't it, this can't be-


My hollow-sounding scream crackled and twistedly morphed into that word. Another sob-like gasp followed and with it came another scream as I starred at the man, who was just standing there- doing nothing but standing there like it knew whatever I was going to try and do wouldn't do anything. The more I had starred into that blank void of a face, the more it seemed as though I was starring into my future, my own death. But I didn't want to die, so I just had kept screaming, shouting the word "no" over and over again until it hadn't felt a part of the English vocabulary anymore. My vision became blurry with tears and I took the plunger from it's place on the ground and threw it at him, threw it hard. I looked up to see if it did something- anything-

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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