Chapter 7

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Hot shot was getting ready to start chemotherapy. Hot shot was kind of nervous and that is okay. He learned that from the video he watched the other day. Hot shot was ready to be brave for it. This morning Hot shot saw a nurse named Georgia come into the room. First she took some blood from him. Hot shot was soon eating his breakfast. Hot shot had to wait for his chemotherapy to be ready.

Hot shot was wondering why he had to wait for his chemotherapy to be ready before it can be given. "Why do I have to wait for my chemo?" Hot shot asked Georgia.

"Because chemotherapy given by IV must be made to order, it needs to be made once a patient is deemed healthy enough for the infusion," Georgia explained.

"Oh," Hot shot said. He felt like he understood but he was wondering if it was going to be ready soon. Then a bit later Hot shot saw Georgia come back with some medicine Hot shot would have to take orally.

"Here you are Hot shot, this medicine is some the medicine you already take and some of the others are medicine to help with the side effects from your chemotherapy," Georgia explained to him.

"Thanks," Hot shot said. Hot shot took the medicine from Georgia and swallowed it. It was kind of nasty but he took it without a fight.

"Good job Hot shot," Georgia said.

"Thanks," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then saw Georgia leave. Then a couple of hours later Hot shot saw Georgia return with the medicine she needed to give Hot shot. "Okay Hot shot I got you medicine." Georgia said. First he saw her wash her hands. Then he saw her prepare the pump with the medicine. Hot shot watched at she washed her hands again. Then she cleaned the ends of the Hickman line and then attached the IV lines to the Hickman line. Once they were attached to the Hickman line she opened the clamps on Hot shot's Hickman line and started the pump after that. Now Hot shot was getting the medicine through his Hickman line. It didn't hurt one little bit.

"Now you can do what you like," Georgia told him.

"Oh boy," Hot shot said. While Hot shot was getting chemotherapy he had his lunch, and he looked around the hospital. While looking around the hospital Hot shot went to the playroom, the gift shop and the build a bear. Hot shot was having a lot of fun looking around the hospital.

Hot shot was happy to see the things they had at the hospital. Hot shot was happy to see the other people in the hospital too. Hot shot was able to see his friends were also in the hospital too. Hot shot and his friends schedules tended to mix together a lot.

Hot shot was even able to watch movies and TV while getting his chemotherapy. Quickshadow was glad her son was being so brave during the start of his chemotherapy. Hot shot was happy to be doing many things while in the hospital. Hot shot was also coloring and drawing while chemotherapy was happening. Then a few hours later the machine bleeped. A Nurse came in and disconnected the IV pump from Hot shot's Hickman line and closed the clamps over the lines again. Hot shot felt kind of tired after chemotherapy so he got to rest a bit after that.

Hot shot had his dinner and soon went to bed. Hot shot had more chemotherapy the next day. That day his father was there to spend time with him. "I am happy you are here daddy," Hot shot said.

"I am happy to be here with you son," Heatwave said.

Hot shot was getting chemotherapy during the course of his lunch and a small part of the afternoon. Hot shot knew he was going to have a long and busy day. Hot shot heard the machine bleep a bit later. That meant chemotherapy was done for the day.

Hot shot was feeling kind of sick after chemotherapy. Hot shot didn't like that too much. Hot shot even threw up a couple of times that night. Hot shot wasn't too happy about it. Hot shot felt even sicker after the next dose of chemotherapy. Hot shot was finding hard to want to eat. He was losing his appetite and not wanting to eat. This was going on for couple of days and Hot shot was feeling pretty sick from the chemotherapy.

Dr. Waller his dietitian decided Hot shot would need an NG feeding tube which was tube that went through his nose and into his stomach. That made Hot shot a little nervous. "Don't be scared Hot shot," Dr. Waller said. "Getting an NG tube doesn't hurt it just feels a little weird at first," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot had to drink water to help the NG tube go into his stomach. Hot shot coughed a bit when it went in. Soon it was in a they did an X-ray to make sure it was in the right spot for him.

"Yes it is in the right spot," a nurse said.

Then Hot shot was able to get a special sticker to hold his NG tube in place on his cheek. Hot shot then began to get a tube feed from it. Hot shot soon didn't even notice the tube was there anymore. "Many kids soon don't notice the tube being there," Dr. Waller said. "This will make things easier for Hot shot for a while until he feels like eating again," she said.

"I understand," Heatwave said.

"Me too," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot was resting from chemotherapy for the next week in the hospital. Hot shot was going spend another week after this in the hospital to get more chemo and then go home after that. Hot shot was sad about being gone from home for a long time but it was to help him get better.

Hot shot was going keep fighting his cancer and he wasn't going to give up either. 

Brave Little Firefighter Hot shot, Rhino and BFFs VS Brain Tumor FireWhere stories live. Discover now