Begged, Borrowed, and Cried

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Music: God Knows I Tried❄️, Lana Del Rey

She didn't want to cry in front of him, god knows that was the last thing she had planned for.

Collapsing onto the couch her head in her hands. She tried to hide the tears pricking her eyes.

He noticed, he really didn't know if anything he said would help right now.

"I'm sorry, I know I've already said it, but well and truly I am. Everyday I think about what I've done to you and many others, I... I want to do better, honestly."
He said looking at the ground ashamed of himself.

It didn't make her feel better, she was just mad he wasn't the villain she had always made him out to be.

Her worst fear was having wasted her life on something that just wasn't worth it, but here she was.

"I don't care that you're sorry, it changes nothing. You will die here, and only then will I be satisfied."
She said angrily.

He sighed, he'd come to accept this was how it was going to be between them.
But that didn't mean he'd give up.

One thing about Duncan was that he hadn't made it this far without being a little crafty.

"So why haven't you gone through with it, not to be rude." He asked.

"Well I brought you here because I wanted my questions answered, and now I'm just waiting out the storm."
She said opening the blinds to reveal the swirling snow outside.

"Digging a grave in a storm this bad isn't ideal."
She said clicking her tongue disapproving, without a hint of remorse.

He noticed just how hardened she was about something this grim.
Maybe she was a complete psychopath.
Or she had a lot of experience.

It was surprising she managed to knock him out and transport him here, it was clear she had a lot of skills the average citizen didn't.

"So what do you do exactly? It's obvious you're more capable than you look on the outside?"
He said with a hint of a smile.
He couldn't help being a little impressed by her.

"I'm ignoring how extremely backhanded that was."
She replied with a glare.

He just chuckled.
As vulnerable as he was being tied down to a chair, she really didn't seem all that imposing.
Must be part of her persona.

"So I take it you gave me a fake name. Lorelei Cappelli?"

"The more questions you ask the deeper that grave gets."
She said admiring the flurrying snow from the window.

He understood what she meant, the more he knew the less likely he was to get out of here alive.

But she'd already told him that in her eyes his fate was sealed.
And his curiosity tended to get the best of him.

"I've come to terms with that, I'm just curious?"
He really wanted to know more, she was interesting to him, terribly so.

Lorelei was on the fence.
It really didn't matter what she told a dead man, but there were risks to such niceties.

"Duncan I know what you're playing at, and I'm not interested in being your friend."
She said coldly.

He just nodded and sighed, she was certainly a hardass. He could respect that.

Avoiding eye contact she put on her winter jacket, and headed outside to the wood shed.

This was going to be quite the pain in the ass, and it was breaking her routine.

Everyday Lorelei did the same thing. Most of the time she was on autopilot. Plotting, traveling, and killing on repeat.

Anyone with any idea of what a happy person looked like could see behind her facade she was miserable.

Lorelei however, had never been happy, so she really couldn't tell.
Her job only distracted her from the depressing truth of it all.

As she stacked heaps of wood into a wheelbarrow, she thought about the situation she'd gotten herself into.

Duncan wasn't worth her time but he also wasn't worth getting hypothermia over.
However it needed to be done.
For her own sanity, to get over this obsession with revenge.

She would bury him with her past.

And if taking a short hiatus was the cost of it, she'd push through.

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