The Scene

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It's been a few weeks now. I'm getting along better and better with everyone, well except for Thomas. Why does he hate me? What have I done to him? Dylan and I have become really good friends, we spend every free minute together. Sometimes when I'm lying awake in my bed at night, I stare at the ceiling and think about him. I often wish there was more than just friendship, but I know he just wants to be friends with me...
I also think of Thomas often. I'd love to know what he's thinking about.

In any case, I have to get to the set quickly.
I'm already late anyway.
I literally run out of the hotel and luckily for me I ran into someone.
As I was about to apologize to the person, I looked him in the eyes. It was Dylan. Apparently he was also on his way to the set. I don't know how long I stood there staring at him, but it definitely felt like an eternity.

D: Hey, hello, Earth to Y/n?

Y: What, huh, did I miss something?

D: We have to go to set or do you want to stare at me like I'm a zoo animal?

*he laughs*
Y: Oh, um yes, exactly that set. Sorry

*you blush and quickly look down*

D: Awww, am I making you nervous?

Y: Shut up!

D: I guess I hit an uncomfortable point there.Haha

Y: Very funny. Come on, we have to go.

D: do you want to go with me?

Y: Yeah sure, thanks dylan

D: no problem, I'd like to take a friend with me.

Dylan's POV

It somehow hurt to call her just 'a friend', even though I knew she was more to me than just that. But I know that if I told her how I felt about her, nothing would be the same. Not between Y/n and me and not between Thomas and me.
He's my best friend and I would never do something like that to him, would I?

*On set*

(Wes ball=W)

W: It's nice that you come too Y/n and Dylan!

Y: Sorry we're late.

W: It doesn't matter now. Y/n! Thomas! I have to talk to you.

D: Uhhh, what have you done?

Y: nothing you are full of. I think.

* Wes goes into a separate room with you and Thomas. You all sit down on the sofa that is in the room.*

T: What's it about?

W: Well, I have to discuss another scene with you. It doesn't come until later, but the scene isn't in the script, so I should explain it to you.

Y: What about scene?

W: Rose, your character Y/n, and Newt, Thomas' character, are inseparable in the film. They think it's just friendship, but they quickly realize that they feel something for each other.

Y: Okay? We already knew that beforehand.

T: Yes, the script says that Newt and Rosf are lovers.

W: I know, but that's not it either. The two have a few kissing scenes and I just wanted to discuss it with you beforehand.

Y: Oh, um, yes, it's just a scene.

W: Well then you can go again.

Thomas's POV

After Y/n left the room, i went back to Wes to ask him if the kiss scene could be left out. He said that wouldn't work for the 'magic' in the film. I don't know either.
I really tried everything to convince Wes. I really can't kiss Y/n. It would change everything. It's better that she stays believing that i hate her. I can't just tell her the truth. I also notice every day how in love she looks at Dylan.

Y/n's POV

When I left the room I noticed that Thomas was staying there. I suspect that he wants to discuss things with Wes again. So I hid behind the door and eavesdropped on the conversation.

T: Hey Wes, can you really leave out the kiss scene?

W: I'm sorry Thomas but it's very important for the film and the harmony.
Why don't you want to do it now?
You normally don't have any problems with fake kissing scenes in movies, do you?

T: Y
No, but this time it's something different.

W: Are you sure? Is it because you don't like her?

T: That's exactly what it needs! I just don't hate her and that's the problem.
Doesn't matter.

Y/n's POV

What did Thomas mean by saying that he wouldn't hate me and that would be a problem?

Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Y/n (enemies to lovers❤️)Where stories live. Discover now