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Hawk's was minding his own business on patrol; looking out for crime as he also just waved at random people on the streets.. definitely being a hoot considering he was the number 2 hero.. not only that but he looked amazing.

It was until he casually roamed into an alleyway, blinking as he saw a familiar villain associated with the worst villains in Japan, also known as the League of Villains holding a shopping bag which Hawks couldn't see the supplements inside, maybe it was some type of boosters? Whatever it was, he needed to stop that villain!

"Hey," Hawks yelled in a loud voice. "Stop right there, villain!" He'd say as he immediately removed some of his feathers and sent them towards the other, making the villain immediately begin to run.

The villain was far too quick for Hawk's to believe it or not.. Their swift pace did not match his own fast pacing feathers.. Must've been some sort of speeding quirk. Luckily though, despite him getting away.. The villain seemed to accidentally drop the shopping bag, making Hawks simply just walked to it and pick the bag up, refusing to look at the items by himself.. this could've been a trap, but he knew the commission would find great interest in it.

He'd immediately clutch the bag close to his chest, making sure none of the items would fall out before quickly rushing to the Hero Commission building, not stopping for anything.. not even autographs which was a common thing for him to do, bringing some slight concern onto it.

Once arrived at the building, Hawks went through several security steps to get in; before soon finally reaching a room that an ongoing meeting was going on it.

He'd slowly creek open the door using the door knob, attracting major attention onto himself when doing so. "You guys wouldn't believe what I found.."  Hawk's said as he sat the bag onto the table where it was in view of everyone.

Intrigued looks fell onto the male and the bag as the head man decided to slowly open the bag, revealing a pack of adult pacifiers; not only that but cute ruffled socks. The whole room immediately fell into piles of laugher, that is besides Hawk's and the head man.

Hawk's mouth hung open, "I swear I got that bag from a villain," he'd say as he looked at it.

"Yeah, okay. What type of villain sucks on pacifiers?! How pathetic." Said a lady, making the rest of the room laugh before the main man slammed his fist down onto the table, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. "Silence! We are adults here!... Keigo, talk to me after this meeting." He'd say in a stern tone, almost making Hawk's literally piss himself (not literally). He hoped he wasn't introuble; especially not with the commission.

He'd simply just walk out of the room and sit on a bench outside, holding his chin in attempt at trying to stay content.

As he sat at the bench, staring at his lap the days seemed to grow longer and longer, being quite complexed with what the results could be. He was so stupid for being so disruptive, but this was huge.: or maybe little, but he had thought he actually had gotten something for once. He just wanted the commission to seem impressed or somewhat happy with him. He needed to prove to them that he was powerful and a use to the team. He was needed. He could be a good use for them.

Finally after what felt like centuries the group of people walked out, all looking somewhat happy; maybe the boss was in a good mood now? Hawks waited for approval to walk in.

He then saw the others hand sway in motion towards going in, and so Hawks did so. "Sorry about earlier." He'd say sincerely as he looked at the other.

"You're fine now that we have more info, however never barge into a meeting like that again.. We were able to do some more research."

"On the baby supplies?" Hawks asked with a blink.

"Age-regression supplies." The boss said as he stared, "do you know what that is?"

Hawks simply just shook his head before the boss explained to the other what that i; not only that but the research they had done with that info.

"... And so, We have suspected that that is something that they have going on there.. that or they're looking for a little." He'd say as he looked at Hawks who looked zoned out.

"Are you even paying attention?" The boss said, making Hawks nod with a confused puppy type expression.

He'd sink into his seat. "Why would they be interested in caring for someone?" He'd say with a small head tilt. "They're villains."

"Maybe to make up for all those crimes they did." The boss said, making Hawks nod. It did make sense.. "Or maybe it's a new torture method."

That comment made Hawk's shiver as it sometimes did that when he was stressed. "They wouldn't.. right?"

"They're villains, they could do anything." The boss didn't look scared, more as unamused. "you're trying to show us your worth, correct?"

Hawks nodded. "Of course.."

"Then you are going to be a spy for us and indulge in that age-regression topic.. or at least act like you are. It's not hard to get in contact with them."

Hawks slowly shook his head. "But Sir, you just said you're not even exactly on what they're using it for?" He'd say with slight concern.

"Okay, well I thought YOU wanted to show me how much you're worth? Don't you want to show me that us saving you actually mattered? You should be licking the floor clean right now for m... all I did was ask you a simple favor." He'd say as he looked at Hawks in a disappointed manner.

Despite how dangerous the ending results could be. Hawks needed to show his greatfulness. They saved him from his abuser and crackheaded mother..He owed them a lot.


Whatever it takes.

"I'll do it."

Hi guys! I hope this was a decent chapter for you guys; it took me awhile considering normally I'm able to jump right into things but this is just the important piece to build up to get to the fun things.

Opinions, thoughts and emotions would be appreciated!

4 votes to start writing the next chapter.

1077 Words.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 10 ⏰

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