All Eyes on Me

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Percy and Ashe leapt away from the first pounce of the Chimera, quickly correcting their footing and dashing around it.

"Dude, what do we do?!" Percy screamed drawing Riptide from his pen with Ashe drawing his own sword from his key.

"I have not taken enough of Annabeth's classes to know that, man." Ashe nervously smiled at him, but Percy only gave him a disappointed glare before shouting.


The two turned forward to see a searing ball of fire and leapt to opposing sides. With a massive explosion, there was now a whole in the national monument where they had just been standing.

Ashe rolled to his feet and saw Percy rush the Chimera. He leapt up and tried to deliver a slash to its neck, but its rhinestone collar had somehow grown with its size, blocking the blow.

Percy gasped as he heard slithering to his right. Luckily, like many times before, Ashe leapt forward and blocked the jaws of the serpent tail with his foot and sword, keeping it from closing its mouth.

The Echidna grew shocked seeing the strength of the human, "What?! That's... impossible!"

Percy used this opportunity to land and slash at the Chimera's front legs, a sizzling sound echoing through the observation deck. The Chimera roared, bucking its hind legs and slinging Ashe away from the mouth of the serpent.

He flew across the observation deck but corrected himself in mid air to crash into the wall on his shoulder. With a loud pop, his left shoulder was dislocated, but he quickly slammed it back against the wall and popped it back in place.

Percy tried to cut the Chimera's hind legs as well, but its constant thrashing forced him to roll out from under it. He anticipated the serpent would attack and leapt to the side, slashing its eye as it passed.

Unfortunately, the Lion's head was powering up a bellowing stream of fire that no one could defend. Percy realized that and saw Ashe circling around to line up with the hole in the observation deck.

Percy understood what he was trying to do and decided he would do the same. It was the only way he could protect the citizens doomed to the Chimera if he failed.

Running in front of the hole in the wall, Percy held up Riptide with determination, but his hands shook with despair. He glanced at the river below, but knew that his odds of living were slim to none from this height.

The Chimera was about to send the fireball, and the Echidna could only laugh at Percy's supposed defeat. That was until Ashe suddenly grabbed her jaw and slung her into the line of fire.

She had clearly forgot that she was susceptible to being attacked. She wailed in confusion before seeing the fire barreling towards her.

"DODGE!" Percy lunged away hearing Ashe's command, catching a glimpse of the ash the Echidna had become at the hand of its own son.

The Chimera itself seemed to flinch seeing the smoke and soot it turned its mother into, but it was given no time to mourn as Ashe and Percy slashed its hind legs, sending it crashing to ground before the two began tearing at its body.

With a horrifying roar, the Chimera began shooting a stream of fire wildly as it flailed its head and tail around.

"We've gotta push it out!" Percy shouted, seeing that the family of three and park ranger could only hide behind a bench in hopes the fire wouldn't come their way.

"W-Well, I've got no better ideas. Come on!"

Ashe suddenly heard a hiss and turned around, deflecting a snap from the serpent. With a yelp of pain, Ashe and Percy watched the serpent bite its side, where a glop of green venom leaked...

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