The World Will Know Your Name

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Ares rushed forward with a two-handed broadsword, swinging down for a violent hack.

Ashe dashed away as Percy launched himself into the air. He aimed to cleave through him as he descended, but Ares deflected the slash with the hilt of his blade; a skull with a ruby in its mouth.

Ashe rushed back in and tried to slash his ribs, but Ares turned on his heel and sent a wide slash faster than the blade should be capable of.

Ashe slid against the wet sand and let the sword graze his own, kicking Ares' shin.

Ares hardly staggered, but the distraction was enough for Percy to close the gap like Luke had taught him, abusing the length of his shorter blade.

Unfortunately, Ares was familiar with the tactic. He lowered his guard and kicked Percy away from the surf, sending him rolling against the soft dunes.

Ashe slashed down at the back of Ares knee, but it was dodged with a side step. Ares cleaved upward, but Ashe shouted: "PÉTRA!"

Ares' eyes widened as he felt all movement leave his body. His swing lost all inertia before Ashe slashed him across the chest.

Ashe wanted to celebrate the first 'blood', but not blood was drawn. To add to his disappointment, Ares' power limited the paralysis to a mere three seconds.

Ashe was sent flying towards the sea with a loud clang, but Percy commanded a wave to redirect him back to the beach as he rushed for Ares himself.

Ares speed far surpassed Percy's, so their clash ended with Ares landing a small slice to his forearm. However, he had successfully gotten Ares much further into the water. He was now to his thighs as Ashe leapt overhead with a roar.

Slamming down his sword, Ares blocked it with ease, but his eyes widened as Ashe's sword began to kick sparks from the power of their clash.

Ares grit his teeth and flung him away with a grunt, but Percy took the time to slash his hip and send a wave crashing into his chest.

Ashe crashed into the shallow water with a gasp, but quickly rolled to his feet and trudged through the water faster and faster.

Ashe shined his amulet off the moonlight with his free hand, alerting Percy of its incoming use.

Ares watched Percy's eyes dash between Ashe and himself, and released a spinning counter that sent Percy a few feet back.

Ares lunged for Ashe as he held up his amulet, but he suddenly rolled under the stab and shouted "PÉTRA!"

Percy rushed by Ashe and slashed Ares' back, before failing to block a vicious horizontal hack. Percy was cut on his shoulder as he rolled past Ashe, who circled around to push Ares further into the water.

With a rapid three slashes; Ares paced backwards after deflecting the attacks with relative ease.

"This is wrong! What the hell are you?! You're just a mortal!"

Ares suddenly parried Ashe's diagonal hack, before slicing him across the chest and kicking him all the way back to the beach.

Annabeth and Grover wanted to check on him after seeing the trail of blood that soaked into the sand and sea, but they were given no time after seeing Ashe yelp in pain as he rose to his feet again.

Percy slammed a wave into Ares' arms, slowly down his overhead slash enough to leap out of the way. A geyser of steam erupted in its place as Ares snarled with fury.

Percy caught himself on another wave and sent it barreling back towards him as he slid off, but Ares turned and sent a stream of fire with a roar.


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