Chapter 5

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Half an hour passes before Teddy eventually gives up. It takes a lot for her to lift her hands and get off him. The gallons of blood on the floor must be the thing that eventually made her realize that there is no possible chance to save him.
All of them are completely covered in it and the smell of iron is starting to make Amelia feel sick even though she's smelled it so many times before.

Right after Teddy gets on the floor Owen comforts her and holds her in his arms. Amelia wants to be there too right now but she doesn't need it as badly as Teddy does. And it is not because of the patient. It never gets easy to see someone die but the reason she wants Owen to hold her is because of how good it feels and how hard it is to see someone else being held like that. Especially when there is no need to. Why is Teddy even crying over this? It's not like this is a particularly hard case, or Teddy’s for that matter.

"Are you okay?" Owen asks after holding her for five minutes.
"Yes", Teddy says and takes a step back to look at him but immediately starts crying again. "No I'm not." She presses her face against him making her bloody and sticky hair wrap around his arms.

"I'm sorry", Amelia starts. "Teddy, what the hell is going on?"
It's not like Amelia and Teddy have much of a history. They've only met a couple of times but she knows something is up with that tall skinny woman. From what she's seen and heard from Owen she's strong. Much stronger than this at least.

"I just- I can't", Teddy sobs.
"You can't say this is because of the patient."
"It's- it's not", Teddy says and dries off the tears and snot from her face with the arm of her coat.

"So what is it?" Owen asks and takes her shoulders in a steady grip. They look at each other for a long time without saying anything. Each second feeling like an arrow through Amelia's heart. This isn't just friendship. It never has been between them. That's why Amelia got so surprised when he came back to Seattle only a day later like nothing happened.

After a while they got back together and Teddy has never been mentioned since. But this right here, him holding her, comforting her, and Teddy relying on him like he's the only person in this world... this proves that Teddy was never really out of the picture.

"How long are we gonna be in here for?" Teddy says and starts banking at the doors with panic building up in her.
"Are you okay? What is going on?" Owen asks.

Next time Teddy tries to open her mouth she throws up right on the floor.
"Great. Now I'm covered both in blood and puke", she says and then bursts into tears again.
"You're reeeeally moody." Amelia rolls her eyes. Honestly, all Teddy does is embarrassing herself. Pendulate between emotions and overreacting completely. Her behavior actually reminds of-

"Omg", Amelia bursts out. "You're pregnant?"
Teddy starts crying even more which Amelia takes as a yes.
Owen presses her away from him. "Is it true?" He asks surprised.
Teddy nods.
"Oh my god, Teddy, that's incredible news." He hugs her again but this time with joy instead of all the other feelings they seem to have for each other. "I didn't even know you were dating anyone", he says.

"I'm not", she says and dries her tears once again. This time, hopefully for the last time.
"But you-", Owen starts.
"It's a one-night-stand baby", Amelia giggles, suddenly happy that this crying and hugging was never about Owen or their suppressed love for each other.

"Really, Teddy? Why haven't you called me?"
"I'm not... I didn't know what to say."
"How long have you known for?" Owen asks.
"Not very long. Seven weeks or so."

Everything in Owen's face lights up. He has always wanted a child and loves them with his whole heart. That's why he and Amelia have decided to start trying to have one themselves. Of course he's happy for Teddy, he would be just as happy if it was Meredith or Jo.
"This is amazing", he continues.

"How far are you?" Amelia asks trying to be as happy for her as her husband.
Teddy lowers her voice. "Sixteen", she says almost inaudible.
"Sixteen weeks? That's incredible. You're already almost halfway there", Amelia says enthusiastic.

Teddy nods carefully and looks up at Owen without saying a word.
"What?" Amelia asks much more uncertainly.
An uncomfortable silence fills the room, and the smell of iron once again makes itself noticeable together with the caustic odor of Teddy's vomit.
"What?" Amelia asks again but the way they look at each other makes her understand.
"What?" She repeats while answering her own question in her mind. 

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