Chapter 13

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"Is it Owen's?"
Amelia nod.
"How are you going to-"
"Fuck, I can't do this", Amelia interups her.

"Of course you can. You can do anything", Teddy says and smiles towards her. Their faces so close they almost touch.
"But I can't do it alone."
"You're not alone, Amelia. I'm right here. We're doing this together."
A tear starts building up in Amelia's eye and falls on the pillow. "I can't do this without Owen."

For some reason hearing her say that felt like a stab through the heart. Teddy didn't want to do this without Owen either but she didn't have much of a choice and along the way she got used to it and eventually liked the idea of doing it with Amelia. It hurts that she doesn't feel the same towards her.

"You should call him", Teddy says and tries to force the tears back. Those damn hormones.
"You think?"
Teddy nods. "He would probably want to know if you're having his baby, right? And I'm sure he would be there for both of you if that's what you want."

"You're right." Amelia picks up her phone right away and Owen answers it immediately. While Amelia explains what is going on, Teddy can hear his reactions on the other side. She hasn't heard him this happy in a very long time, and when Amelia says that she wants him by her side he becomes even happier.

"I'm on my way", Owen says before they hang up.
"I should probably go", Teddy explains.
"No, you don't have to. I'm sure Owen will be happy to see you too."
"I don't know. We kind of decided that he wouldn't be a part of this pregnancy. It feels weird to involve him now."
"That's true. It would probably be a little weird. Especially now that we're both pregnant."

"Yeah", Teddy says quietly, trying her very best to not show how upset and angry she is at the situation. It was her decision to turn Owen down when he chose her because of the baby but it still hurts to see him choose someone else despite the reason.

The nurse takes a towel to dry off Teddy's belly and then she dresses herself before Owen gets here. It's not that she doesn't want to meet him. As Amelia noticed and has somehow forgotten, Teddy still has feelings for him. She's not proud of it and hates to admit it, but she is still in love with him so for everyone's sake, she leaves.

She hears Owen's voice a few seconds after she's left the room. He didn't see her. He's probably too focused on Amelia and their child to do so which somehow hurts even more.

For the first time since all of this drama started, Teddy understands Owen when she looks at him and Amelia together. She understands his feelings and why he had such a hard time choosing between them. She understands all this because right now she's in love with him, but... she's also in love with Amelia Shepherd.

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