Chapter - 1

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This was not what you expected.

You were in a baby cradle, looking up at your two big brothers who both had brown hair.

You didn't know how you ended up here but It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

-Spooky flashback -

Running to school with a slice of bread inbetween your dry lips, you were not thinking straight. Not that you ever did, ofcourse.

You had awoken 6.59 minutes late, this is the end of the world.

If you hadn't been up bing watching your new favourite anime, Mashle, all night then you wouldn't have been in the situation you have created for yourself right now.

96 assignments, 42 math homeworks and most of your notes were sliced to the finest pieces and served to you by your angry cat. You had seconds thoughts whether to go to class or jump infront of a train.

You chose the latter...not like you had a choice in the first place.

Not stopping at a red light you tried to dash accross the road as fast as your teeny-tiny legs could but alas, nothing in your accursed life ever goes as planned.

Not like you ever tried to change it or anything, smh.

The sound of tires grazing the road didn't quite reach your selective-hearing-ears. So did the flash of the front lights blurring in the distance and the shouts of nearby citizens go unnoticed as you ran.

Your delicious- ahem, delicate feet gracing the cement road didn't get to reach the concrete side walk as they were forcefully tored apart and rolled over like tasty pancakes under the truck tires.

Ketchup squirted out everywhere as your limp body layed dramatically at the centre of the road.

Red Roses surrounded your lifeless body as you lifted your arm up in a futile attempt and touched your own ketchup splattered on your chin with wide eyes and smiled.


You spoke faintly as you felt your throat tightening, your wind pipe crushed, leaving no traces of your delightful voice.

Your sound is forever lost in the vast space, unheard by many.

You giggled creepily to yourself, although that came out as a broken record.

Your eyes felt heavy as tiny droplets from the cloudy sky landed beneath your eyes and slid down.

It had started raining heavily with loud thunderstorms.

Soon, you could hear ambulance sirens and people panicking.

Your eyes felt heavy...

Your glazed eyes looked up at the cloudy sky one last time as you took your final breath.

Your eyelids gave up, enveloping your vision in darkness. Sounds began to fade as only a ringing sound constantly took over your ears.

Your hand that was stretched out into the sky fell into the wet road beside you.

-End of spooky flashback-

You didn't even get to say goodbye to your family, how rude.

If only you knew you were going to die, you would have told your hardworking parents to take care of themselves..

Tears slid down your now baby cheeks as you wailed loudly.

Orter and wirth panicked as they saw their younger sibling cry.

Orter tried to pick you up but you threw your pacifier aimed right at his forehead, making him fall down and holding his head in pain.

Wirth knelt down, trying to support his big brother.

You looked down on them from your baby cradle with puffy and narrows eyes.

You did not want to be disturbed and wanted some alone time. Afterall, who wouldn't be sad after being hit by a truck and never be allowed to see their family?


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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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