~8~ (A/P) short for Ann's Point of view

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"I need you too buddy." I said to him, trying to reassure him. But I couldn't get attached to another boy. I watched as the nurse walked in. "So what seems to be the problem?" The nurse said looking at Damion. "My.. stomach hurts... My chest hurts..Oh god everything hurts.." I chuckled. "He's just being dramatic  but he's right about the first 2. He threw up earlier and he was talking like he was high on something. He still is now, his Speech is still slightly slurred." I said, the nurse nodded and asked Damion to sit up so she could start checking his breathing. "Breath in." The nurse said and Damion did a struggling breath in. "Hm..breath out." Damion struggled to breath out and held my hand tighter. "Damion have you been on drugs or drank anything that..your not supposed to at this age?" I looked at the nurse confused, it didn't look like Damion drank anything at all. Not even water. Damion shook his head gently. "Do you have any sort of asthma or breathing condition. Because if your struggling to breathe in and out that might have something to do with your lungs." The nurse said,"And your stomach. Do you just have a migraine that makes you want to throw up or..?" Damion nodded Slightly. " I-i think so.." Damion said,  "Hm.." The nurse looked at him, She grabbed the stethoscope again and checked his heart. "So how's your diet so far Damion? What do you eat? How much do you eat?" She said, "I dunno..I don't really eat much of anything." Damion mumbled, I looked at him worried. "Ok so here's my recommendations. You could maybe have sleep apnea, you need to start eating more healthy foods and more food in general. You need a sleeping area where you can sleep peacefully without any problems. And if you smoke you need to stop. Ann, if you see anything wrong with his breathing while he's walking or awake get me immediately." I nodded. I helped Damion out of the bed and walked him out. "What's..sleep apnea?" He mumbled, looking down at me. "It's a..well... uhm...Well it's when you sleep but you stop breathing for long periods of times which isn't healthy...I think.. I dunno I'm not a doctor."  I said, he held my hand more firmly. Lilia walked up, when she saw us holding hands I saw for a millisecond that anger flashed through her eyes but then she looked at us smiling. "What happened? What's going on? I saw you walk out the nurses office. So I figured that something was wrong." Lilia said happily, "I..have.. sleeping problems.." Damion mumbled. "Oh no!" Lilia pushed right between me and Damion making me fall. But she "didn't notice" and held Damion's hand instead. I wasn't jealous, I wasn't mad, I was confused. Why would she push me away? Did she like-like Damion or something? "Well it's ok! I'll be right here to help you!" Lilia said, smiling. Was something going on between them that I wasn't told about? Maybe I'll have to find out next time..

(True fact:I had to look up what a stethoscope was! And what sleep apnea was! Even though I used to live with someone who had sleep apnea:D)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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