The Encounter

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"Hello..." greeted the boy who came from the portal. The other one with him seem to be lost in thought.

Jin! You definitely saw this was coming! You should have warned us!

Do we have to fight them, Jin-san?

They don't look dangerous, but don't let your guard down.

'Ah! There's only six sandwiches left.'

They don't appear to be using a trion body.

The comms were flooded with various complaints as they assessed the potential threats.

Sorry, I just thought it would be funny this way. Jin replied before cutting the comms off, ignoring the people staring daggers at him.

"Hello, there. Are you guys looking for your pet? Sorry, but it left just a while ago," Jin responded.

"Ah! Yes! We were chasing that Rifthound down and accidentally entered its portal..."

Rifthound... A trion soldier that can create gates at will? At that speed? Wait, Border didn't detect that, right? This is dangerous! We need to track that thing down.

Wild ideas sparked within the comms that Jin wasn't listening to.

"I see," Jin replied after a brief pause. "Why don't you guys join us, before you look for your pet."

"Jin-san, we don't have enough sandwiches anymore. I'm not giving away my share," Yōtarō warned.

"Hahaha. I'm giving up my share, then..." Jin responded. "Well, something came up guys, I'll be taking my leave."

"Hey, wait a minute, Jin! Explain what's happening first!"

"Just have fun. There's nothing to worry about this time." Jin left, waving his hand.

So, does that mean we're safe?


"Uh... Hello guys. I'm Bennett and he is my companion, Razor. Can you tell us where we are?"

The Tamakoma people telepathically discussed how to deal with the situation for a second until Yōtarō shouted.

"Hey! You there!" He pointed at Razor, calling his attention.

"Me?" Razor asked.

"Yeah, you. You've been staring at Raijinmaru for a while now, but don't worry. I'm feeling generous today. I'll let you pet him in exchange for a sandwich." Razor tilted his head in confusion.

After determining that Yōtarō was just talking nonsense, Yuma was the first to engage with the neighbor.

"Hello again. I'm Yuma Kuga. You're in Mikado City in the planet Earth. What made you visit this planet?"

"Planet? I think I've heard of that word before..." Bennett tried to recall the word but gave up halfway. "What's that?"

Is he illiterate?

Hey! Don't be rude! He might just be stupid.

The comms relaxed since they were now sure the 'threats' were a false positive.

"I see," Yuma nodded in understanding. "Where are you from?"

Bennett scratched his head, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. "We're from the nation of Mondstadt. But... it doesn't look like we're in Mondstadt anymore."

"And where is Mondstadt located?"

"Uhm. Teyvat? Is this a trick question?"

Yuma chuckled. "No tricks, just trying to understand. Teyvat... I'm not familiar with that place. But that must be what your Planet is. And this is not in Teyvat."

"Ahh! I remember now! This must one of the 'worlds beyond' Fischl was talking about! Am I right?"

Their home planet, Teyvat, probably knows about the neighborhood. Ask him about that Fischl person. They urged.

"You're indeed correct, my student," Yuma confirmed, then continued, "And who is this Fischl person? A friend?"

"Yes. She's the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. She's staying in our world until she's powerful enough to reclaim her rightful place," Bennett explained in all seriousness.

"Tell her, Yōtarō wishes her good luck," Yōtarō interrupted while eating a piece of sandwich.

"Sure thing, Yōtarō," Bennett replied with a smile before turning back to Yuma.


The soft interrogation Bennett was unwittingly subjected to continued until the two parties were satisfied. Karasuma left at some point claiming his schedule is coming up from his job.

They concluded the following facts from the exchange: Travelling between worlds is rare in Teyvat with only two known cases being Fischl and the Traveler, at least from their knowledge. Rifthounds are hostile creatures that teleport around during battle and this is their first time entering one in accident. And they don't have the concept of Trion at all in their world. Instead, they possess elemental powers known as Visions. Lastly, Bennett and Razor do not have hostile bone at all against them at all.

Feeling guilty of their treatment to the two, the atmosphere switched from cautious to friendly as Tamakoma Branch members offered their hospitality to Bennett and Razor.

"You guys are really reckless," Konami remarked with a chuckle, breaking the tension. "Accidentally entering that Rifthound's portal? Why would you do that if you don't know where it leads to?"

Their version of hospitality.

Bennett scratched his head sheepishly. "Yeah, it wasn't our brightest moment, that's for sure." Razor looked down.

"You're lucky Jin-senpai foresaw this future so we could get to you first." Mikumo commented, offering them a reassuring smile. "The important thing is that you're safe now."

"Wow. Me? Lucky? That's a first ," Bennett chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Is this Jin-person an astrologist, too?"

"Something like that."

"I guess we're simply fated to meet," Bennett beamed. "I heard from Fischl that the astrologist said 'the future can't be changed,' after all."

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