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Not only was Severus bullied by the notorious four Gryffindors, but it was no different in the Slytherin house. Once again, people like Lucius Malfoy and his followers mocked the Potion-nerd. And even there, the reason wasn't quite different from the Marauders. "Hey Snape, I heard your Mudblood friend had to protect you again," Theodore Nott laughed, causing some Slytherins in the common room to laugh as well. Severus said nothing. Severus never said anything. To be honest, no young Slytherin understood what the Sorting Hat was thinking when it put him in Slytherin. "Severus, we're talking to you!" sang Bellatrix Black, and Severus knew you shouldn't ignore this girl. Bellatrix was a fiery woman - no, she was an absolute psychopath. She would stop at nothing. "She's not my friend," Severus muttered and continued walking. Bellatrix heard this and blocked the Slytherin's path. "If that's the case, why are you hanging around with the Mudblood? Are you using her? Oh please tell me you are, then we can all have our fun with her," grinned the young Black, playfully tousling Severus's hair. Severus tensed up and tried to say something else. To distract from the topic, whatever it takes! Just make sure Lily hears this. "If you want to keep your hand, you'll let go of him now and preferably fuck off to a lonely corner and die there," said a cold voice. The common room fell dangerously silent, and Bellatrix shivered uncomfortably.

Bellatrix Black might be one of the most feared Slytherins, but no one would raise their voice against the Gaunts. Every pure-blood family knew the Gaunt family. Hermes Gaunt and his three assassins.

Apollon Gaunt.
Artemis Gaunt.
Athena Gaunt.

All three pure-blood Slytherins. And very powerful.

Every pure-blood family biased towards pure blood knows full well that these three children could wipe out an entire pure-blood family. And each of those families has ordered their children to befriend the Gaunts.

Bellatrix failed miserably.

"Gaunt, nice talking to you again," said Bellatrix, turning to the brunette. Artemis's gaze was stern, no hint of warmth in the girl's eyes. Bellatrix herself was no innocent lamb, quite the contrary. But Bellatrix was sure that Artemis had already claimed hundreds of lives.

"Fuck. Off," Artemis Gaunt, her voice dripping with hatred.

Bellatrix stumbled back a few steps, then suddenly bowed. "Of course, Mistress," she said mockingly and disappeared with her friends.

Apollon Gaunt, watching from the sofa, smirked proudly and let his gaze wander through the common room. "Don't you losers have to study? Get lost, there's nothing more to see here," he said boredly, prompting everyone to return to their own business. Gratefully, Artemis looked at her older brother, who just gave her a thumbs up and went back to sleep.

"Are you okay, Sev?" asked Artemis, concerned, placing her hand on his shoulder. Severus barely flinched, but he played it off by ranting about Black and Malfoy. Severus knew Artemis, at least better than any other student at Hogwarts, but even he couldn't shake off the fear when one of the Gaunt siblings was in a bad mood. "You scared him," Severus jumped and looked at Athena, the youngest Gaunt. "And you! Don't you have a bed?" Athena addressed Apollon, who just gave her the middle finger. Athena and Artemis rolled their eyes laughing. "I just hate it," Sirius suddenly whispered, catching the attention of the Gaunt sisters. "I hate it so much that I have to be their victim every time just because I'm friends with Lily," he said bitterly, balling his hands into fists. Athena looked at Severus with pity before patting him on the shoulder. "Do you want to hold McDolly? I always feel better after hugging McDolly," she asked Severus, offering him her straw doll.
The doll wasn't large, even smaller than her wand. The doll wore a brown dress, more like a sack.

Severus looked at the doll for a moment, but then declined. Athena looked at him understandingly and bid him farewell. "Oh yes! Don't let them say anything to you, Severus. And if they're mean again, tell Apollon, he's more intimidating than Artie! I'll be back later!" she laughed and left.

"You should feel honored, Sev. Apollon and I have been trying to get rid of her two dolls for years, but she protects the things better than the treasures in Gringotts," she grinned at the black-haired Slytherin, who smiled back. "But she's right," his friend suddenly said seriously. "That Apollon is scarier than you?" Severus asked jokingly and laughed quietly as Artemis lightly slapped his shoulder. "I mean not letting them say anything. They're idiots with mental problems. Their families have ingrained that shit about the importance of pure blood into them," she said, comforting him by placing her hand on his shoulder. "You're a good person, Sev," she said, smiling.

Severus felt warm inside and thanked her sincerely.

"When are you guys done with the sentimental crap?" asked Regulus, who was sitting opposite the sleeping Apollon. "Since when are you here?" Artemis asked the younger Black, who just shrugged. "I heard that one of the Gaunt siblings is messing with my cousin and wanted to know if Bella finally gets what she deserves," he said and stood up from the chair. "I love how pro-family you are," Artemis said sarcastically, to which Regulus just grinned at her. "While we're here, fancy a game of Wizard's Chess?" he asked Artemis, who nodded with a laugh. "Always with you, Reggi. Do you want to watch?" the brunette Slytherin asked Severus, who declined, saying he still had homework to finish.

Regulus and Artemis were not just playing one game, in fact, they were in their 5th round.

Regulus and Artemis loved spending time together, especially since he saw the older Slytherin as an older sister he never had. Of course, he had Sirius, but he felt like Sirius wouldn't stay with him for long. Especially after he finishes school. "And, do you already have a wedding dress?" Regulus teased, prompting Artemis to glare at him. "I'd better pay attention to the game, you just lost again," she said sharply, making Regulus laugh quietly. Artemis sighed. "No, I don't. It's still two years until the wedding," she murmured and felt her heart grow heavy. Regulus noticed that his little joke brought her mood down. "Look at it positively, you and I will become a real family then," he tried to cheer her up.

And Merlin, was he bad at it.

"I don't know, Reggi. Marrying Sirius wasn't exactly on my to-do list," she sighed and put her chess pieces back to the starting position. "Well done, Regulus. Not only did your cousin manage to screw with Artie, but you did too," Athena said, who just entered the common room, wrapping her arms around Artemis and giving the young Black a annoyed look.
Artemis watched as the two started bickering, a small smile creeping onto her lips.

Artemis had noticed last year that Regulus would occasionally stare at her little sister longer than necessary, or the red flush on his cheeks when caught staring.

Of course, Athena was oblivious and never noticed.

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