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At Marco and Jade home●

Marco at work. Jade's off..she's home with lily

Jade's pov

I was cleaning and washing everyone clothes. And in between I was playing with Lily. As she was watching a Carebear movie. I look at lily..She looks like Me curly hair, Hazel eyes, but her Dad's personality.. I giggled as I started baking cookies and Dinner. Until the doorbell rings. I look to see who it, is and it was my brother Nate. I smile and opened the door

"Hey Nate." Jade said with a smile

"Hey sis!" Nate said hugging me, I hug back

"What you doing on this Friday evening?" Jade asked with a smile

"Just wanted to see my nephew and neice." Nate said as he smiles

Nate walks inside the house

Marcus comes downstairs and smiles

"Hey uncle Nate." Marcus said

Lily comes running and hugs Nate

"Gosh y'all kids look like y'all everytime I come to see them." Nate said

Jade smiles

"How's school Marcus?" Nate asked

"School good.. made point starter in basketball." Marcus said

"What! That's good! So proud of you!" Nate said as he smiles

Marcus smiles

"Thanks uncle Nate.. How's Aunt Kathy doing?" Marcus asked

Lily follows Jade to the kitchen.. Nate and Marcus are in the living room talking

"She's doing good..Just working. Hey J!" Nate said

"Yes bro?" Jade said walking in holding lily hand

"Kathy and I are officially going to move back to Hawaii." Nate said

"What ! No way..congratulations." Jade said as she smiles

Front door opens, closes as Marco smiles at everyone

"Thank you.. hey Marco." Nate said waving

Lily runs to Marco, Marco picks up lily in his arms

"Hey Nate!" Marco said waving back, kisses Jade's lips and sits on the sofa

"What did I miss?" Marco asked

"Uncle Nate and Aunt kathy are moving back to Hawaii. " Marcus said as he smiles

"What! I knew y'all been talking about it..that's good." Marco said with a smile

"We can't wait.We couldn't be more happier." Nate said as he smiles

Lily gets off her dad, goes to Jade

Jade picks up lily, puts her in the high chair

"Nate, you wanna stay for dinner?" Jade said as she smiles

"No, I have to get back. Kathy got home from work.. I'll let y'all know when the moving date is." Nate said as he hugs Marcus and lily

Marco walks Nate to his car as they talk

Marcus sits at the table

"Is Hawaii beautiful Mom?" Marcus asked as he smiles

"Yes baby! We should take a family trip there." Jade said as she serves food on their plates

"We should.." Marcus said

Lily giggles and starts to eat

Marco locks the door, walks in the dinning room

"Everything ok babe?" Jade asked Marco

"Yes my love..everything ok." Marco said washing his hands and then sits down as he starts eating

Jade smiles and starts eating, so did Marcus

"How was work?" Jade asked

"Good, We have a mission the guys and I. I think they are going to bring you and Jess and Madi and becca along." Marco said as he smiles

Jade smiles big

"Oh my gosh yes! I've been waiting for a mission." Jade said happy

Marco smiles big seeing Jade happy

"That's great Mom and Dad!" Marcus said happy

"But mommy what if something happens to you." Lily said

"Nothing won't happen to me my love. " Jade said

Marcus looks at lily sad

"Hey, Mom strong Lily.. she take those bad guys down." Marcus said happy

Lily smiles little

"It'll be okay princess, I'll protect mommy. "Marco said as he smiles at Lily

Lily smiles

---Later on at night

Jade carries Lily to her room, lily plays with Jade's curly hair

"Mommy?" Lily said

"Yes baby.." Jade asked looking at her

Lily layed in her carebear bed sheets and blanket with her carebear stuff bears

"Can you read me a book for bed...Please Mommy!" Lily said showing her big eyes to her Mom

Jade looks at lily and giggles

"You look like your daddy, my baby." Jade said giggling and taking a book off the bookself and lay next to her

"Comfy ?" Jade asked looking at Lily and smiles

"Yes mommy." Lily said hugging the green carebear

Jade begins to read the book to lily, as lily layed her head on Jade stomach, following asleep holding onto Jade arm.
Jade was finished as she smiles and grabs lily to lay her perfectly on the bed as she kiss lily head

"Goodnight my love." Jade said as she smiles and turns off the light, turn the night light on and close the door little

"You going to bed Marcus?" Jade said knocking on Marcus door

"Yes Mom. " Marcus said

Jade smiles and hugs Marcus

"I love you son." Jade said kiss his head

"Love you too Mom...night." Marcus said

Jade smiles and leaves her son room

"Everyone in bed babygirl?" Marco asked setting the house alarm on

"Yes babe, you readying?" Jade asked standing waiting for him and smiles

Marco smiles looking at Jade

Jade blushes at the look of Marco smiling as Jade went to marco and kiss his lips as Marco picks Jade up bridal style and took her to their room

Jade giggles holding onto Marco and smiles

Marco kisses Jade and layed her down on the bed

"I love you Jade." Marco said kissing Jade

"I love you too Marco ." Jade said kissing him back

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