Misson .69

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At the Undercover Department●

Jade's pov
I was at my desk, as I was ordering carebear party stuff for my lily.  Her birthday is when we get back from our mission.  I'm so excited to throw her a party at her grandparents house. (Marco's parents) and of course I'm inviting my family to see her.  I look at all the stuff online and smile big as I know she'll have a good time.  I got all the party stuff and shipped it to Marco's Mom house. As I smile got a message from Marco. 

Hey babygirl, you ready ? Were all meeting in the training unit for one last discussion. 

Jade 💛
Yes babe, be there in  2 mins . 😘

After I quickly message him back, I turn my computer off. And message his mom about the stuff that will come in for Lily's party.  And started walking to the traning unit

"Hey babe, everything ok?" Jessica asked Jade

Matt looke at Jade for an answer wondering also

"I'm good love, Just finished getting Lily's party stuff and send it to Mom." Jade said seeing Marco talking to Andrew

"You did! I can't wait for her party!!" Jessica said happy

Matt nods

"Me too! My little lily growing up too fast!" Matt said  with a smile

Andrew and Marco made their way toward everyone

Marco wraps his arms around Jade and smiles
Jade smiles and looks up at Marco

"Just told Jess and Matt about Little Lily party.  I got Lily carebear party stuff. " Jade said as she smiles

"That's good babygirl, did you send it to moms?" Marco asked with a smile

"Yes, and I send invitation to my family also." Jade said turning around, has her arms around his neck

"Good babygirl. All we need to do is buy her gift.  Hey Andrew, don't forget little lily gift. Alex.. Daniel." Marco said

"Yes." They said with a smile

"Alright, Is everyone ready?" Madi asked

Everyone nods

"Alright, as Marco always says suit up and head to the helicopter. " Madi said noding at everyone

Everyone walks to the helicopter as they all sit down as the helicopter took off

With Marcus at his grandparents house■

"Hey, Grandma?" Marcus asked sitting at the bar stool seeing his grandma making dinner

  "Yes Marcus?" Mom M said as she smiles looking at him

"Do you need any help?" Marcus asked

"Yes, help me with the sides." Mom M said as she smiles

Marcus get off the bar stool and walks where his grandma was at

Taz follows Lily as lily walks to the kitchen

Dad D walks in and picks up little lily, as little lily giggles. Her curls falls on both sides and front

"Grandpa!" Lily said

"What are y'all doing in here?" Mom M said laughing

"Caught this little curly coming into the kitchen." Dad D said laughing fixing Lily curly hair

Lily giggles and held onto Dad D

Marcus laughs at lily

"You ready for your party lil?" Marcus asked with a smile

"Yes " Lily said with a big smile

Doorbell rings as Dad D put lily down and goes get the door, Taz follows Dad D

Lily smiles as Grandma M picks up lily place her on the highchair and kiss her cheek

"I love you sweetheart." Mom M said with a smile

"I love you too Grandma." Lily said

Dad D and Taz walks in

"What was that ?" Mom M asked her husband

"It was lily party supplies." Dad D said smiling

"Ah yes, J send me a text..Can't wait to set up when they come home." Mom M said happy

"Me too!" Dad D said poking Lily side

Lily giggles

Back with the undercovers

Marco's pov■
As soon we got to our  destination.  I was holding Jade's bag and mine . She kept saying she wanted to hold her own. I told her no that I got it.  We all went to our rooms . I look at Jade, and felt so lucky to have her in my life.. I love her alot ! She's everything  I had dream of being with.  Matt had called me saying were moving out to look around.  As I told Jade.  Before we got out the room, I brought her close to me, and kiss her lips softly, she giggles and kisses back

"You ready for this babygirl?" Marco asked her

"Yes, I am. Are you Babe?" Jade asked looking at him

"Yes, I am. " Marco said to Jade and kisses her again 

After the misson, We all were safe and good.. We were all back at the undercover department

"Jade, what time is the party?" Madi asked toucing Jade's curly

"Hmm at 2pm.  It'll be at Mom's and Dad's house. " Jade said smiling at Madi

Madi gets excited

"I can't wait.  My baby getting big." Madi said

"I can't believe Marcus and Abby are in high school already." Jessica said

"Me too, like where did all the time gone?" Madi said

Jade nods

"We will see y'all tomorrow?" Matt said to them as he hugs Madi, and Jade and high five Marco and Andrew and Alex and Daniel

"Of course!" Andrew said

"Indeed, can't wait to see curly top!" Alex said with a smile

"Me too!" Daniel said

Matt nods and waves holding Jessica hand

Jade waves at Jessica and smile

Marco takes Jade's hand

"See y'all tomorrow!" Marco said waving everyone

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