All that guilt, where do I put it?

5 3 0

I never believed you could mourn

Someone you've never known to a depth

And yet, here I am grieving like

I've not done since the time I was ten

All my courage and my conviction

In what I knew was right and what was not

Has gone someplace unseen 

Leaving me with an ache seeping knot

And though I cried just a handful

When I swallow back whatever it is that's 

Choking down all my breaths 

It tastes thin and saline, it tastes like tears

And when I wish the tears could

Flow like a river and purge me of this grief

They've left me abandoned

Groping for water at the end of a dry well 

I've never been a big believer

In God-sent signs from heaven up above

But I'm praying for one now

To help me re-learn all the truth and love

That I lost losing you

To let me know there's still saving beyond 

All that hurt, beyond the grave

So I can try resting easy knowing you're at peace

Grief- a collection of poetry, prose and random thoughtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن