Chapter 3: Smash 2 (45) Years In The Past

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Shori woke up the next day. while the following song played:

Shori: (Singing along while in the shower) Heaven knows I really, really, find a cause to stay within the lines...

Shori was humming while he was brushing his teeth, and he was humming as he made his waffles.

Sadoki: Looks like SOMEONE'S happy today.

Shori: This is an annual thing, so get used to me not being this way for the rest of the year.


Sadoki: I have an idea. I have a time machine. To celebrate, why don't we go 45 years into the past again?

Shori: What?

Everyone else: YES!!!

Shori: Lemme put on the theme first.

Everyone jumped into the portal and were warped. While it was going on, since they were going to the world of My Hero Academia, they gained Quirks.

Shori's Quirk: Sukyo X Paradox. Shori can use all of the abilities of Sukyo and Paradox.

Mish's Quirk: Imagine. He can do ANYTHING, even snap and it kills AFO. (Sounds stupid, but he's just that OP)

Cold Natsu's Quirk: Ice Make. Same as the Fairy Tail magic Ice Make.

Sadoki's Quirk: All Are One. He can create ANY Transformers character he wants, from any generation. (Sounds stupid, doesn't it?)

Shori: That was crazy....

Sadoki: I know, right?!

Shori: I feel like puking...

Sadoki: Let it ALL out. 

Shori went to a trash can and vomited until he was done, in which he grabbed a few (dozen) breath mints and chucked them into his mouth. 

Sadoki: Classic Shori.

???: It's you again, huh?

Shori: It's Shimura again. AGAIN. I thought we'd never run into you again. (unenthusiastic)

???: It's been a while, Shori.

Shori: I thought you would've been killed by AFO by now, Nana. 

Nana Shimura: Well, you can't underestimate me THAT easily.

Sadoki: Haven't seen you since Team End split.

Nana: Well, I had to come back here.

Shori: How the fuck did you even GET here, 45 years in the past?!

Nana: Somehow I did. 

Cold Natsu: Hey, Ms. Shimura.

Shori: Sigh.... Like the worn-out soles of a worn-out shoe... (Preview of Me reference)

Nana: Do you need something?

Shori: Yeah...we'd like you to re-join Team End for this. 

Nana: What?

Shori: Rashinban nante juutai no moto.

Nana: What?

Shori: We Are? You don't get it? Not after Sadoki blared the song in the magic school-desert bus?

Nana: No, not really.

Shori: You're hopeless...

Sadoki: Yeah, we got an invitation to Musicopolis, and we want ALL of Team End to attend, since Ai's gonna be performing there.

Shori: At least Afterglow isn't.

After 3 hours of persuading, Nana agreed on one condition.

Nana: Defeat All for One. Just you. points to Shori

Shori: Sure.

Sadoki: This'll be too easy.

Nana: What do you mean?

Shori: going to AFO

Nana: HEY, WAIT!

At All For One's location...

Shori: Who the fuck're you?

AFO: I am All For One. 

Shori: You're the one I have to kill.... judging by your looks... hmm....

AFO: Are you mocking me?

Shori: Let's do this then.

Shori simply stares at AFO until he begins to sing Rewrite's lines in the song above. The sky went pitch-black with streaks of red. AFO felt a different aura from Shori than the one he'd felt just a second ago.

AFO: W-What is this?! This is unlike anything I've seen...your Quirk will be a wonderful one to harvest.

Shori: Let your spirit leave your body; I am God and YOU'RE NOBODY.

Shori walked toward him with AFO not moving an inch. That was the wrong move, however. When Shori got up to him, Shori put his hand on AFO's head, and crushed it with that hand, blood everywhere. When Nana got there, the sky was normal again, and AFO's headless body was there, twitching. Shori crushed the twitching limbs with his foot.

Nana: What...?

Sadoki: He went a little Rewrite this time around...

Song end

Shori: Well, a deal's a deal, right, Shimura?

Nana turned around instantly and saw Shori, and shrieked after that out of the fact that he was at AFO's dead body just a second ago.

Nana: Y-y-yes...

Shori: Alright, then.

And so, they got one member of Team End down, and a few more to go...

Ending Theme:

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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