Chapter Five; Jason

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"What the hell, dude?!" Jason snapped once they were safely out of the shop, turning to glare River in the eyes. "Are you just trying to make me look bad?"

River did not respond, clasping his hands behind his back with a smirk; a look that told Jason that he had no regrets for what he had done. Jason couldn't believe he'd fallen for his tricks!

"I actually like Jade. She's a good friend." Jason said, crossing his arms, not taking his glare away from the other. "Like I... figured you would be."

"Hey, hey! Relax, man, no need to sound so offended. This was my plan from the start." River yawned, stretching his back, smiling as he set a hand gently on the other's shoulder. "Sure, I could have told you beforehand... but you make a terrible actor. So I just went with the flow and let it happen."

Jason left the boy with silence, the dislike showing through the unamused glare in his brown eyes. He lightly grabbed River's hand and threw it off his shoulder.

"I get why you're upset, and you have every right to be." River murmured, walking over to the railing to study the large mall.

He must have done that plenty of times in the past, since he practically lived here in the mall. That was... kind... of... suspicious, now that Jason thought about it. Where did he get food, where did he hide out? Was he really trapped in here, or just setting them all up?

"I could honestly care less about... Jade." He frowned and waved a hand in the air, as if swatting by some... problem. "I don't do... people. I don't do 'friends.'"

"Not helping, River." Jason said, warning in his voice, as it took every ounce of his being not to hit the older boy on the spot. "So you're just straight-out telling me not to trust you?"

"Maybe." River replied, not taking his eyes away from the first floor below them both. "I'd be careful of who you trust around here. Everyone has their secrets. Everyone will experience some sort of betrayal. I've seen it countless times. Even though I do not want to hurt you, Jason, I act for my own benefit. If I were to choose between us, you would not make it."

The older boy paused, turning his head to stare at Jason for a moment. "You know how hard it is to survive the monsters here, let alone for a singular night. I've been here for years. I do what I have to, to stay alive. You get that, right?"

"Which brings up another concern of mine, River. How have you kept yourself alive this long?" Jason scowled, taking a step towards River and the railing. "You had to have been caught at one point. Did you also make a bargain with the Cat?"

For once, River seemed uncomfortable as he avoided his eyes away from the blonde.

"Not... exactly. I... uh. How do I explain this?" River thought out loud, soon after letting out a soft sigh. "Before Hope died, I set down an object on the damaged counter, and she found it. I just don't think she realized that it would've been of use to her, because I found it in the room where both she and Connor died. This object was... um... enchanted with something that can keep the monsters away. The monsters know I have many of these - so they leave me alone for the most part, although the Cat won't let me leave."

"I don't stay in one place for too long, I always hop base every morning. The Cat's probably the only one smart enough to realize that I have many of these objects scattered about the mall. Even though it can repel them, it doesn't mean they can't attack you while holding it. You have to approach everything carefully."

"Why are you telling me this?" Jason asked, leaning forward on the railing with a glum glare at the other. "What do you need me for?"

"It's simple, Jason. I had already told you; I need your help escaping this place. You managed to slip out, once, with my help, and you're here to repay that favor." He paused, his smug look irritating the blonde. "I have no intention of getting you killed. If you manage to escape with me, great. If you do not, well... that's for you to figure out."
"So you're just... warning me that you plan on ditching me if it comes down to it?" Jason tightened his hands into fists on the railing in front of him. "And if I refuse to work with you?"

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