Chapter Six; Jenna

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 Jenna ran across the second story floor, above the hall below as a large creature ten times her size pursued from behind.

The only thought that ran through her mind in that moment was the frantic panic of trying to think up ways to escape this situation. The very situation that she'd gotten herself into in the first place. Her main hope was to find someone she knew, so they could help or guide her away from this rampaging monster. Although, the more she tried to sprint, the quicker that she began to lose her speed.

The teenager risked a glance behind, alarmed when she noticed the large monster was gaining on her. His large ears, his wide black, void-like eyes never leaving the girl. Forcing herself to keep on her feet, she whirled her head forwards, only to skid to a sudden halt at the edge of a broken railing. Unable to stop herself in time, she lost her balance and fell, only barely managing to catch herself by grabbing onto a broken piece of metal from the very railing that was missing. Letting out both a huff and a groan, the light blonde swung her right arm up to latch a better hold to pull herself back up.

Now Jenna was never the smart type; she usually approached most situations as they came to her. The only problem was, that this time, she'd gotten herself in a tight spot. She knew a fall from this height would injure her in ways that she refused to even think about, but even if she managed to climb back up, the monster would have her in his grasp within seconds. She could hear the dark monster slowing his pace; knowing she had been trapped.

"Hey! You've got to let go!" A male voice suddenly shouted from below, a voice she did not recognize at first, but it caught her attention, mainly because it... sounded human.

She kept her skinny arms above the platform of the second story, but managed to glance downwards towards the voice. A boy, a dirtied teenager with dark, black, short and curly hair stood on the first floor as Jenna hung for her dear life on the ledge. She frowned at him, but considering her options, she hadn't much of a choice in the first place.

"I'll catch you!" The guy shouted, holding his arms out in a motion to show he was ready for her. "Just trust me!"

The blonde took a moment to shut her eyes and hold her breath, right as the monster reached her. She released her hold, plummeting downwards as her body stiffened; bracing for the impact. To her relief, her weight crashed into the boy, softening her fall, forcing both teenagers to tumble to the floor.

Jenna frowned, glancing quickly upwards at a screech from the monster above. Before she could say anything, the boy knocked her over, quickly grabbing her hand to pull her out of the open. The blonde scrambled over her bare feet, struggling to keep her balance until the two reached an abandoned grocery shop, taking refuge inside to hide from the large creature.
The boy huffed in short breath, keeping both of them against the wall next to the shattered glass doors that they had both run through. He seemed to be listening for the monster's movements carefully. Jenna frowned, allowing him to keep a hold of her hand. Something about this boy's appearance... seemed... familiar. His dirtied shirt and pants, face, and hands; freckled arms and face; his voice from earlier. It took her a moment to pinpoint it, but when she did, she completely forgot about the danger from outside.

"Robin!" She exclaimed in sudden recognition, stepping away from the wall to make better eye contact. "Oh my God, is that really you?! I thought you were dead! Where have you been?? What are you doing here-"

Jenna was interrupted when the guy pulled her back towards the wall and covered her mouth with a glare. He said nothing, keeping his amber eyes on her until he decided to quickly turn his head to check outside. It was only then that the realization hit Jenna; she felt stupid for being so forgetful of the immediate danger she had been trying to escape just mere seconds ago.

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