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All of a sudden we see something from a little hole by the car. It's Char with 5 toddlers. The toddlers got out and ran to Marjorie i start heading over to help Char when we hear a massive CRASH! The car fell onto Char. "CHAR!" I shout whilst running over. Reece and Winter join me. "Help me lift the car" I say in panic. "On 3." Reece says. "1....2....3" just then they lift the car and I pull Char out. "Sweetheart... sweetheart can you hear me." Nothing. No noise just pure silence.

Shit. shit. shit. I'm starting to think she ls dead at this point. I put my ear close to her chest and hear nothing so I start CPR. 123 pause. 123 pause. 123 mouth to mouth.

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