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"It's you and your world
And I'm caught in the middle
I caught the edge of a knife
And it hurts just a little."
- Avicii (feat. Rita Ora): 'Lonely Together' (AVĪCI (O1) [2017])


Their experiences on the impossible planet, where a mysterious, sinister creature calling itself 'the devil' had foresaw Rose's imminent demise in the up-and-coming future, had made both the Doctor and Katy slightly more protective of the blonde. This both puzzled and annoyed Rose completely and made her a bit paranoid; fearing that her sister and the Doctor knew a lot more than they were letting on about what the 'Beast' had predicted.

But that had been quickly forgotten by a phone call from Jackie, who was upset over a young man whom she had taken a liking for, only to discover that he was actually only pretending to take an interest in her in order to learn more about the Doctor and her daughters.

However, when they went to confront this guy, Elton, he was called; they instead had to rescue him from being 'absorbed' by a strange alien that had dubbed itself as an Absorbaloff, a very distant cousin of the Slitheen race. It also turned out that the Doctor had already met Elton once before ... and not during a particularly uneventful incident that Elton had witnessed involving the Doctor, Katy, and Rose dealing with a Hoix, a particularly bad-tempered alien with lots of teeth.


Flashback: Warehouse

The Doctor had taken them back to Earth after he had picked up on a strange signal and decided to go and investigate. It turned out that a Hoix had been separated from the rest of its race and was causing havoc. So, the three of them constructed a trap, which was what the Hoix triggered, and what Elton had unintentionally come across when he had been snooping around the Tardis.

"Doctor! Doctor, the trap!" Rose sounded the alarm causing the Doctor and Katy to come running to see for themselves. Unfortunately, the Hoix had managed to escape and did a runner, much to the Doctor's frustration.

"Where's he gone?" He demanded before turning to Katy. "Did you see him?" Katy was about to answer 'no' when she spotted it turning a corner off in the distance.

"There he is! Stop!" They charge off after it. However, it suddenly does an about face and heads straight towards Katy and Rose, snarling angrily at them. "No! Watch out!" They dodge it and it disappears around another corner. "Oh, come on! Where did it go?" Katy groaned in frustration.

"There!" Rose points spotting it. She and Katy run after it and nearly collide with the Doctor who had been searching in a different area.

"Where? Where?" The Doctor asked, urgently. "Oh, never mind. I see him!" He takes off after it but stops briefly to shout over his shoulder at the sisters. "Go back to the Tardis and grab one of the buckets in the storage cupboard... Rose, wait! Ugh!" The blonde had taken off before the Doctor could finish his instructions. He looks impatiently at Katy and finishes. "Get the red bucket, not the blue. Tell Rose when you catch up to her."

"Got it!" Katy nods and tears off after her sister. That was when Elton suddenly comes face to face with the Hoix who roars loudly in the poor man's face. The Doctor comes up behind the Hoix, waving a pork chop in the air, enticingly.

 The Doctor comes up behind the Hoix, waving a pork chop in the air, enticingly

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