Chapter 1 part 2

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  "That's the whole story,'' Gamer said as they walked. "So, Sleepy was an experiment that failed and he became self aware? Why didn't you help him? He must've been panicking after waking up.." Jay looked up at Gamer. "I simply couldn't... There were guards everywhere and it hurt to see him in so much pain. His memory was erased and forced to change his name to Kirdy.. he got unbelievable powers and they couldn't handle it. He has never killed anyone though, he never swore, he never behaved... until one day someone we call big brother Oscar had enough and burned the mask on his face so he couldn't get it off, not even how hard he tried" Gamer sighed and stopped. Teal and Jay looked at him.

Two black fox ears suddenly stood tall on top of his head, his chin was up like he was smelling the air. "I found them" Gamer said and started to run towards the smell he caught and Teal and Jay ran after him.

Gamer, Jay and Teal found themselves from an empty shopping street around sundown. Oscar was looking towards the sunset that shone from between tall buildings. "Beautiful sundown isn't it?" Oscar said smiling, not looking at the people behind him. "Where is Sleepy?" Jay took a step ahead. "Little brother?" Oscar tilted his head a little on the side, "I handled him already, you don't need to worry about him" he turned his head a little towards the three. "You little- '' Jay got furious and Teal trapped them in their arms so they wouldn't attack Oscar, who turned around, the sunset dyed his pure white hair and tail pink. "You didn't kill him, I know for a fact. I can sense him being alive" Gamer said as he tilted his ears, hearing noises from behind. He looked back a little bit towards the sound as Jay kept asking questions from Oscar and saw a little brown cat look at him that had a green collar on, which had a small smiley face on it. As for their face, it was covered with something solid white.

Gamer knew in fact what and who it was and he slowly moved his hand to tell him to run. He turned back to Oscar who was grinning at Jay for some reason. "Why would you hurt him, what did he ever do to you?!" Jay sobbed in Teal's arms. "He did nothing. I just don't like him, he's so fucking annoying and he can't stay still. He always has to do something and he's so lazy" Oscar bridled. He let his smile down and he became serious. "So you guys are the people who took care of my little brother" he continued in a serious tone. "Yes" Teal bridled at Oscar. "How pathetic, you should've stayed out of this so I wouldn't have to kill you all and get my claws bloody again" Oscar sighed as he tilted his head again. Teal let go of Jay and took a few steps ahead towards the tall humanised wolf in front of him. "Nobody calls Jay pathetic. They tried their best to take care of Sleepy with all they got" Teal yelled.

"Jay, run as fast to the direction we came from. Follow the brown cat with green collar" Gamer whispered to Jay, who looked at Teal and Oscar who were already fighting. Jay turned around and saw the brown cat run away and ran after it. When the cat noticed that Jay was following, it slowed down a little so Jay could keep up with them. After running for so long Jay and the cat found a place to hide at an abandoned house, they were finally able to sit down. Sleepy changed himself into a human again and fell on the floor unconscious. Jay ran to him and noticed Sleepy having bleeding scars around his neck, wrists and waist. They started to panic and didn't know what to do. "S-Sleepy?! Sleepy, are you alright?" Jay tried to wake him up but couldn't get him awake. They started to panic more.

Jay decided to heal his wounds by themselves. They started to pronounce a spell as a white aura started to slowly appear around them. Jay put their hands hesitatingly around Sleepy's neck. Sleepy woke up and tried to lift his hand but he was too weak and his hand fell down. "Please, don't move. I'm trying to heal you, I promise I won't hurt you" Jay said and moved their hands away from his neck. "Can I lift your hoodie to heal the wound on your waist?" Jay looked at Sleepy who seemed to be in pain. Sleepy slightly nodded and he started to shake a little. "It may hurt a little but I can turn things to what they used to be like before the injury. I can't use it to myself though, but I can help others with my small powers" Jay spoke to distract their friend as they were slowly healing Sleepy's massive scar around his waist. "Gamer told us everything. He told us how you got your mask and how it's sealed on your face.. and the reason you're mute. I feel extremely bad for you and now I want to help you more. I want to help you with all I gotta get that mask off your face" Jay said and took their hands off from Sleepy's pale pure white skin.

As Sleepy sat up, he looked at Jay and seemed to be puzzled. Jay giggled a little at his reaction as Sleepy was trying to feel the places where the bleeding scars were but no longer are. Sleepy suddenly held his head in his hands like he got something that hurt his head. "Oh right, you hit your head pretty hard on the floor as we arrived. Put your head on my lap so I will take care of it for you" Jay tried to cheer him up. Sleepy looked up at Jay, a little red. "C'mon, I won't hurt you, remember. If you're scared you can just close your eyes and rest, you have been running for the whole evening after all" Jay giggled again. Sleepy did as told and Jay started to take care of his head. After they were finished, they noticed that Sleepy had fallen asleep.

Jay just smiled at him behind their mask and pat Sleepy's head softly, ruffling his black and green hair as they didn't want to wake him up. He slept peacefully on Jay's lap, his arms resting on his stomach and the rest of his body on the floor. Jay looked outside from the window, at the beautifully lighted city that they hadn't seen in a while. "Y'know Sleepy. Last time I actually went out was when I hung out with my childhood friends. They have been my best friends since childhood and we played outside until late hours every day... until a few years ago when I got into an accident. Ever since that accident, I was forced to wear a mask to hide the scars on my face. After I was in the incident, I was forced to change my identity because I was reported dead. I heard from Gamer where you were from, and I can tell you that I was there as well. I was saved by someone from the inside. I only remember him having black hair and it covered half of his face and he had a black mask covering the other side. I am forever grateful for the man who saved me, '' Jay said and looked down at the sleeping man, who laid his head on their lap.

There were sudden footsteps from downstairs of the abandoned house. Jay got alarmed immediately and was about to wake Sleepy but he grabbed Jay's head so they would look down at him. Jay was surprised by the fact Sleepy was awake. He shook his head, he may have thought what Jay would've done and told them not to do it. Sleepy let go of Jay's head and silently got up. He looked around the room for something, after that he ran to the broken window and looked down, looking still for something. The slow steps came closer and were at the stairway. Sleepy signed to Jay to come up to him and they did. The footsteps were a few feet away from the room where they were in. Sleepy quickly lifted Jay from the ground to his arms and jumped down two stories from the window. The figure stepped inside the room, his claws had blood dripping from them. "Why cat and mouse play, dear brother?" he smirked widely. Oscar walked up to the window where they had just jumped out of and there was nothing. He walked away from the window and walked out of the house. 

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