Sunny's (P.O.V)
When I woke up it was raining outside. I quickly got out of bed and went to the closet to grab some clothes before going to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
I had class really early again and I was running a bit late so I left the house without putting anything in my stomach first.
When I got to English the class had already started and it was very awkward walking into class fifteen minutes late.
I'm glad Mrs. Hall didn't say anything as I took my seat next to Sandy.
"Good morning Sunny." Sandy whispered.
"Hi Sandy," I said as I put my umbrella on the floor next to my chair.
"Are you okay? I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you last night."
"Yeah I'm fine. I just had to use the bathroom last night. Sorry I didn't say goodbye when you guys left my place."
"Okay, well I'm here if you ever need anything or want to talk about anything."
"Thank you." I said.
We didn't say much of anything else after that because Mrs. Hall caught us talking and told us to either be quiet or leave the class.
English went by pretty fast today, but I didn't get so lucky with my other classes. I don't know maybe it was just me but all my classes seem to be going by really slow this week. I wondered if this was God's way of telling me to slow down and he stopped the clock somehow because ever since I met Roxanne everyday I've been looking forward to science class and hoping all my other classes go by fast.
It rained all morning before the rain stopped mid afternoon.
"So it's true. You have met the lovely ex." Joey said, looking at the band-aid on my forehead when I walked into math class.
"How did you find out about it?" I said taking a seat next to him.
"I'm friends with those guys too, you know. They tell me everything."
"Yes, I met Ivy and she is terrifying." I said putting my bag on the floor.
"I would say that she gets better and will warm up to you, but you obviously have made her jealous so I don't see that happening any time soon."
"Why would she be jealous?"
He looked like he was about to answer me, but then thought better of it as if to not give things away or something.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm probably just jumping to conclusions." He finally said.
I could tell he was hiding something but I didn't push the matter further. Instead I just turned in my seat and faced forward as class started.
During class I thought of what excuse I was going to give Roxanne for holding her hand but nothing that I came up with was good enough.
I didn't know how I was going to react when I saw Roxanne in science class today. I guess I was just going to have to go there and hope she forgot about the whole thing.
When math class ended, instead of going straight to science class I went to a small Italian restaurant called Caesar Village that was located across campus.
I went to the restaurant alone and as I sat in a booth all by myself I thought of all the lonely days I had spent alone in this restaurant and other places before I met Roxanne and started hanging out with other people besides my two roommates.
I don't know if I missed being a loner. I mean when I was alone I was really depressed, but now that I had Roxanne and her friends it's like I didn't have time to be depressed anymore. I mean don't get me wrong I was still sick but being around Roxanne made life easier to face.

I Bleed Stars (Book 1)
Romance[Semi edited] ****Book 1 in the I Bleed Stars series**** Sunny is a shy and quiet girl who's afraid to get out of her comfort zone. She's hoping to get through the last semester of her first year in college unnoticed, but what happens when she gets...