Impossible (asuka vs starlight part two.)

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The fight between asuka and starlight escalated and it hasn't been good for asuka lately
Like she hasn't fought someone that can wield a katana better than her. Asuka keeps blocking the attacks from starlight and starlight keeps slashing at her with the straightest face ever.
Asuka starts running and used the walls as her boost to boost herself against starlight and it just wouldn't stop it's been an hour
And Asuka feels like giving up
But starlight wasn't giving up so she continued.
In another island 2 hours away there's a cave
And underground of the cave there's a lair
And a woman.her name sal
Sal slammed her hands against the table in anger "grit is dead!!" She screamed in anger
"That brat took his life like it was nothing to her!" Sal said
"Sal, she isn't working with us." A man said as he walks to the table where Sal is
"Chill chill Sal that's why we're heading to kasa academy we're going to destroy everything in there and avenge grit." Said jax
"Grit said that no one cared about him but we do we'll end her life to avenge grit and mourn him." Said another man his name is mars
"Well Mars it is tournament day so we'll go there and find her and kill her simple as that." Said Jax
"Yeah that'll make me feel way better." Said Sal
"Well agents are there, we'll take them out." Said another woman her name is veronica.
"We're not going to knock them out, we're going to kill them". Said another woman her name grace
"Not bad." Veronica said
"What do you think about it?" Asked jax with a smile on his face
"I say we kill the agents than that little brat." Sal said with rage in her eyes.
At the tournament
Asuka was tired so she decided to use her feet and it did work for a but then starlight grabbed her leg and threw her against the wall and Asuka was about to get up but starlight pinned her against the wall
"It's a tie since it's been over an hour." Said Lillian
Starlight let's go of asuka then shakes her hand and leaves
Asuka grabs her katana and walks away
"Ok that was pretty intense." said Akira.
Asuka plops against her seat exhausted.
"It's not fun." Said asuka
Yeah I don't doubt it". Said Dani
"Exhaustion is a part of a cycle of life but you don't give up no matter what". Said Leo
Asuka smiled at Leo
"Thanks for the advice Leo." Said asuka
"No problem." Let's see more class vs class." Said Jessie
The class 2A started watching

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