The end of the tourament day

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Sal asuka and leo started fighting the sounds of clashing blades against each other makes it more epic
Artemis Jaiden Lillian Saturn managed to give damage to jax mars veronica and grace but they ran off and they took zach Anderson and knocked them out and they tied zach and put him on the bus unconscious
"Hey asuka do you know what it's like to lose someone you cared about because if you didn't I'll make him experience it by killing you in front of his eyes!!!" Sal said as she charges at asuka but asuka blocks Sal's attacks with her katana.
Sal sees Dani and charges towards her and slashed at her making Dani lose consciousness.
Asuka watched in horror and Leo just got pissed off
Then Asuka loses her control and charged towards Sal and starts fighting her and Sal blocked asuka's attacks and asuka screamed at Leo
Leo picks up Dani and starts running.
Asuka and Sal continued fighting and Asuka summons white roses and kicked Sal across the destroyed arena. Sal went through the walls and is now on the forest
Asuka walked there and continued to attack Sal and they didn't stop fighting until Veronica came and threw asuka against the tree and Veronica is about to stab asuka until more agents came
"Sal we can kill asuka another time let's go." Veronica said as she grabs Sal's hand and they started running
Asuka got up and ran back into the school
And Leo found her and ran to her
"Is Dani ok?"asked Asuka worriedly.
Leo nodded his head
"Good now i have questions that aren't answered." Asuka said as she sits down
"When did they find out about grits death and how did they know that I was the one who killed him?" Asuka asked to herself
Leo sat down with her
"I don't know but one thing for sure is that we're not going to have tournament day for a while." Leo said as he walks to the now destroyed arena
Asuka walks with him and sees the destruction 5 people caused
"Yeah but hopefully it won't get worse." Asuka said
"Yep." Said Leo
"Asuka!!" It was Beatrice
Beatrice saw the smoke and knew that her niece was in danger so she came looking for her
Beatrice hugged her niece
"Are you ok???" Beatrice said with worry in her eyes
"I'm ok now but not the arena." Said asuka
"Well let's get you and your friend patched up and clean." Said Beatrice and Asuka and Leo followed her
After the aftermath everyone had been freaking out of what happens
And when Leo asuka returned to their campus
Everyone surrounded them
And melody hugged Leo
"Leo I'm so glad you're ok I was so scared when I saw the fires I thought you and asuka were going to die!" Melody cries hugging him tightly
"Its ok but from now on we should be even more careful after what happened today." Asuka said
And back at the island Sal jax mars Veronica and grace surrounded zach in a tied up chair.
"So your name is zach Anderson the son of James Anderson right?"asked Sal
The boy nodded thinking theyll kill him
"So zach Anderson I'm giving you a choice here." Said Sal
"Either you join us to end asuka erishima for ending grits life, or you'll die in our hands you have 24 hours to choose." Said Sal
Zach looks at everyone

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