ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13

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"Be safe." Korine hugs me and kisses the side of my head. "Text me when you get to Maine."

"Will do," I say. I give Quincy a quick side hug and walk toward Schlatt and Ted. 

"Damn, Korine has changed." Ted waves at her as we walk to get our bags checked. "When did she go blonde?"

"A few years ago." I wave my hand. "You know how spontaneous she is with her hair."

"Can you losers walk any slower?" Schlatt whines in front of us. "I want to go to the lounge."

"Dude, the line at TSA won't move faster or slower if we get there faster." I reason.

"I hate slow walkers," Schlatt calls from behind him as he keeps his pace.

"New Yorkers." Ted shrugs. "Always walking."

I giggle and continue some small talk with Ted until we get to TSA.


The plane is quite large and practically full. We got a row on the side and the two giants squeezed me in the window seat. I tried arguing for them to give me the aisle seat since I pee a lot but they ignored me.

"If I have to climb on you to take a piss I will." I threaten. "I have a bladder the size of a walnut."

"Yeah, yeah, shut up," Schlatt grumbles. "Just don't drink anything. It's not that hard."

"I am not taking drinking advice from a borderline alcoholic." I retort. 

Schlatt tries his best not to smile but the divot in his lip as he bites it gives it away. "That means I know a lot about drinking and you should listen to me."

"I would rather listen to a real alcoholic give me drinking advice than you." 

Our eyes lock for a little too long and I clear my throat, throwing myself onto the back of my chair before I catch a glimpse of his smile. 

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting." Ted frowns. 

I shove my hands between my thighs, debating if I should correct Ted or not. I haven't told him what happened two nights ago on Friday and neither has Schlatt.

"Ted, Schlatt and I-" I begin until Schlatt reaches over and puts his index finger over my lips. 

"Shh." He slurs. "No talky."

I blink and slowly remove his finger. "How much did you drink at the lounge?"

"Enough to make him a little woozy." Ted jokes and pinches his cheeks. "He's all pink."

"I'm not fucking drunk." Schlatt rolls his eyes. "Tipsy, maybe. It helps me sleep better."

"Uhuh." I nod. "If you get a heart attack and someone asks for a doctor I am not volunteering."

"You aren't even a doctor." He jabs. The remark brings me back to our pool day. My shoulders tense up and so does my jaw.

"Okay, Mommy and Daddy are fighting and it's scaring Teddy," Ted said in a baby voice. "Let's try to be civil, okay? The flight is almost 6 hours."

"Good thing I drank a fuck ton." Schlatt shuffles around in his backpack and pulls out a sleeping mask. "Goodnight."

"You know you have to listen to the safety video on the screen, right?" I point to the screen in front of us. Schlatt rips off his mask and throws it into his lap. 

"You know you don't have to be such a smartass, right?"


As I flip through my new book, Funny Story by Emily Henry, I feel a light tap on my arm. I take my AirPods out of my ears and Schlatt asks me if I want anything from the snack cart.

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