May 5, 2024 - 23:02

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I had this lengthy online conversation with Sabine the other day. It was about dad. She proposed I forgive him y to help my heart. I tried.

I did place a call to dad.

Short. Brief. Direct.

But it's a start, I guess.

The hyperventilating has started. Joshua is sleeping right next to me and Tega, his babe, is surfing the net. I couldn't tell Tegz. She over exaggerates situations. I didn't wake Joe. Nigga's tired as fuck.

I stepped out of the house for some air. Light has just been restored as I type. I go back in and it's pretty much the same. The room is suffocating me.

Mosquitoes are out to feast this night. They're biting my leg like crazy and making their stupid noises.

I've gone back in. The fan is on and I'm directly under the breeze. I'll survive the night. Hopefully.

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