A simple campfire

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The group eventually found their ride and took off and when they Arrived in their destination they continued walking but little did they know they have company.the sun starts to set and the group decided that they need to start a campfire. So they found wood and Sora set the wood on fire and they sat down.
Leo looks at the sky
"Alright have any story's to tell about some random fairy tales or about yourselves?" Asked Leo
"You kidding me Leo?" Asked Sora
"Well I thought that maybe that we can do something to entertain ourselves and get to know each other a little more." Said Leo
"That's sounds fun Leo,so ok I go first. My parents live in this forest and luckily we landed here so tomorrow we make a quick visit but we're not going to talk about that right now sorry here we go, my dad and my mom saw a fire at the hellplace I was in and they went there and they saved me there as you guys already know and one time I climbed a tree near my new home I saw a mountain and it was beautiful and I almost fell down,so a little something to entertain you guys." Said aiu
"Alright guys my parents take me to the skatepark when I was little and I always bring my skateboard to practice, and one time some boys decided to pick on me so I beat them up with my skateboard and they ran away crying and my parents talked to me about why beating up random strangers is not ok that night but it was worth it though." Said Jessie
"Oh." Akira said
"So anyways what about you asuka?" Asked Olivia
"Ok so my dad was a professional boxer and he won every competition he went into and one day he won another one and he and mom are on their way home they got into an accident my mom survived but my dad didn't make it, and that accident caused my mom to have extreme depression,but she got getter throughout the years."
Everyone was silent then Emily turned to Akira
"So Akira what's your story?" She asked
"Well let me start off with this." Said Akira
Not too far away but you couldn't see it there was a bar and a small motel next to it
Artemis rented a room there and
Beatrice was there smoking a cigarette
And Jaiden is at the bar
He sat down on a chair and waited for the bartender to show up
And eventually the bartender showed up
"Oh hey there can I get you something tonight?" Asked the man
Jaiden looks at the flavours and chose the tequila.
"Alright a tequila coming up, and also aren't you an agent at the monster prevention program?" Asked the man
Jaiden looks at him questioned
"Yeah I am one of the agents of the monster prevention program im planning to take a break from it for a bit." Said Jaiden
"Oh I see the new boss not being great?" The bartender said as he prepares jaidens drink
"I was brought into the agency over his son and I don't even care about him as he's being a piece of shit according to the rumours," said Jaiden. "Oh not a good person I see anyways here's your tequila". Said the bartender as he gives the tequila to Jaiden and goes to another costumer. Jaiden took a sip of his tequila until a note came flying by and Jaiden caught it and read the note it said
"Jaiden baker come meet me downstairs of the bar." Said the note
Jaiden got up and went downstairs
He opens the door to the room and was in disbelief when he saw the person he's supposed to meet
"So jaiden baker so glad you're here." It was a woman and it was his cousin
"I thought you were going to be someone else, what do you want?" Asked jaiden annoyed
"Oh I see you and your friends are going after some kids." Said the cousin
"June,they're on a mission and they got to at least have some backup when they're outnumbered." Said Jaiden.
"Well it's like one of them is going to go missing anyways." Said June
"June don't you dare touch any of them" Jaiden said as June grabbed him by the hand
"Look little cousin I'm not gonna let you ruin my plans so stop messing around, and if you did bad things will happen." June said as she let go of jaidens hand and starts to walk away from the bar and starts spying on the group
"Damn it." Jaiden mutters as he starts to devour the tequila quick and went outside to inform Artemis
Jaiden paid for the drink and starts waking out and went to the hotel and found Artemis Saturn and jupiters room
Jaiden barges in
"Yeah?" Asked Artemis
"Yeah so my older cousin who I saw at the bar is planning to take away one of the students." Said Jaiden
"What?" Jupiter asked in shock.
"Yeah she said that she's planning to take one of them away." Said Jaiden
Silence fills the room for a moment then Artemis looks up
"What's her name." Asked Artemis.
"Her name is June Julia." Said Jaiden
Artemis eyes went wide
Artemis knows that woman and she is something else
She has a staff that she uses on special occasions which is rarely now but when she does use it against someone she's scary.
"Ok we got to stop her from doing so." Said Saturn
"So, June Julia my least favourite person. Is going after them but why?" Asked Beatrice who just heard a good chunk of the conversation
"Beatrice we don't know but she could take your niece." Said Saturn
"I mean it shouldn't be that difficult right?" Asked Jupiter
Everyone looked at Jupiter
At the campfire everyone finished telling their stories. Leo looked at the sky
"Alright looks like we'll have to call it a night." Said Akira
"Yep." Said Hailey and everyone took out their sleeping bags and laid down.
Asuka looks at the stars then drifts off to sleep.
Then asuka's opens her eyes to a pitch black space she couldn't see anything so she gets up and starts running until she starts falling down and she hits the ground. Asuka gets up and a bunch of lights flashed her and it dimmed down and shows asuka a bunch of videos playing of all of her friends dying and most brutal ways possible asuka starts tearing up and shouts it to stop
But it didn't stop it only got worse and it eventually shows asuka  herself covered in blood and has a wicked smile on her face
And asuka's eyes widen in fear and she drops down and starts screaming.
Asuka wakes up in fear and she looks around to see that her friends are still asleep. Asuka lays back down and looks at the sky again
And she covers her face in her pillow to prevent her friends from hearing her cry

Asuka Erishima part fourWhere stories live. Discover now