Mars attack

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An hour after the group left Aiu's parents they were having a discussion while they're walking
"So the monster should be tracked like this way I think?" Asked Akira
"I don't think so, principal shaune said that the monster is located in this land but I know it's not on this forest but who knows, once we find it we'll take it down and we will go back to the academy and continue training." Said asuka
"Alright then let's continue looking for the monster." Said Hailey as she looks at both Akira and Asuka
"Yep, but comparing to all of us alone against the monster that was described I don't think we'll take it down if we're alone,not when we're trained hard enough." Said Leo
"Good point." Olivia said
And they continued walking.
Another hour later they were no longer in a forest and finds themselves in a grassy field with some trees around.
"Wait weren't we in a forest 10 minutes ago?" Asked Jessie
And everyone turned to see that they're pretty much far away from the forest.
"Yeah but the monster is what we're looking for right now Jessie,how far away we are from a certain location doesn't matter right now." Said Leo
"You're right Leo I guess I'm stupid to ask the question but let's go fight a monster I want to kick it's ass!" Jessie said as she starts running
"Jessie wait!" Aiu said as she starts running to catch up to her and everyone else did the same
"Guys look another forest." Said Jessie
As everyone else looked at it
"Another one, so we're just in like a bridge kind of thing but instead of the waters it's just a grassy fields with a few trees." Said melody
"I guess you could say that." Said Emily
Then everyone heard footsteps
"Guys? Who's making the footsteps because it sure isn't me!" Said Sora
Everyone was caught off guard by soras question and start looking around then the footsteps stop
Everyone was confused until mars jumped out and was about to attack asuka but aiu stopped him with her weapon. And mars jumped back
And everyone is shocked and at the same time angry of what they have to deal with
"You're one of the guys who destroyed the arena!!!!" Shouted Jessie
"If you're not gonna let go of a guys death then you have serious issues with your life!" Said Sora angrily
"Oh so you hadn't had to deal with depression of losing someone that loved you? How heartless of you to do so." Said mars with a smile on his face and this pisses Sora off
"What the hell is wrong with you? He tried to kill everyone at kasa academy!!!" Said Akira upset
"Oh little did you know that kasa academy isn't the only thing that grit planned to kill everyone in, he's planning to kill every single academy that one stupid program built and even killing everyone in the program too." Said mars as he proceeds to laugh
"But before me and the others do our plan well I'll start by killing you guys first!" Said mars as he prepares himself and charges towards asuka
Leo Akira Sora Jessie Hailey and Olivia charges towards him but mars kicks and punches all six of them and launches them away from her and mars
"EMILY!!! Get the others and we'll take this guy down quickly!!!" Asuka said
Emily nodded and started to fly to where the others are
Asuka and mars got into a katana vs sickles fight and mars grabbed asuka by her vest and threw her in the air
"ASUKA!!!!!!" Everyone else screamed
And they start to run towards them
The sound of metal clashing against each other
Start to get the birds to fly away from where they are
Akira uses her telekinesis to lift a boulder and throws it at mars but mars was quick enough to notice it and kicks the boulder back but Akira kicked it back and jumped to attack mars but mars took the boulder and threw it at her leaving Akira unconscious
"AKIRA HOLD ON!!!" Leo screamed as he jumps and water comes out his feet like rocket boots and flew to catch Akira and flew back to the group
"She's badly injured after that boulder was thrown at her." Said melody
"Guys you need to run and get Akira to safety and time to recover me Sora and Jessie will handle this." Said Leo
Everyone else nodded and starts running
Mars noticed and tries to charge at the rest but Jessie got up high enough to punch mars in the chess and starts flying and Jessie got down and so does asuka
"We got to protect Akira and the others from him!" Asuka said
"That's what we're going asuka." Said Leo as he pressed a button on his surfboard and turned into a scythe. Sora got his axe out and Jessie was ready and so was asuka
And everyone charged at mars and they had their own strike against mars but he blocked their attacks Sora used his flames against him but he was to fast faster then the Cole the same guy he fought at the tournament day. And eventually mars kicked Sora and it had enough force to launch him against a nearby tree and Leo had a quick reaction
"SORA!!!" Screamed Leo and as mars was about to sting Leo with his tail Leo blocked it with his weapon and blocked mars attacked for a good 20 seconds until mars finally  kicked Leo in the stomach launching him into the forest and hit a tree and was knocked out
The same thing happened to Jessie and it was asuka and mars and they continued fighting the fight lasted for five minutes until mars punched her and launches her 6 minutes away from everyone else and eventually asuka hits the ground and struggling to get up and mars puts away his sickles and smiles at asuka as her eyes flashed with fear
"Goodbye asuka erishima ." Mars said and just as he was about to sting her.
Beatrice rojen came running at full speed and just as mars was about to stab her with his tail Beatrice kicked him in the stomach launching him into the forest and hitting a tree
Asuka was shocked and glad that her auntie came to save her.
"Auntie, I didn't think you'd come." Asuka said
"Yeah well I knew you wouldn't do this without me so I think I'll help." Beatrice said as she whips out her staff as mars got up and whipped out his sickles and charged at Beatrice and just like that Beatrice blocked his attacks and she screams at asuka to run and she did as Beatrice say but little did mars and Beatrice know she's actually turning out to hide in the trees to lunged at mars and clip off his tail.
Mars grabbed Beatrice and flung her into the sky "damn it." Asuka muttered under her breath and starts to quickly jump to tree after tree to chase after her auntie who's fighting someone with a poisonous tail and 2 sickles that has poison inside
Beatrice meanwhile was beating up mars and blocking his attacks with no problem until mars kicks her and throws her against the tree but Beatrice uses the tree to launch herself towards mars and starts to beat him up again and eventually throwing him down but mars isn't done yet he punched Beatrice and threw her staff far away so she couldn't get it on time then Beatrice looks at her hands and proceeds to punch mars repeatedly until she kicks him and she rushes quickly to her staff and successfully got her staff and mars got up and was about to attack Beatrice . She again blocks it and kicks him and stomps on him 5 times
"Don't even think about going near my niece or her friends ever again." Beatrice said in a stern voice
Mars was left silent
Then Beatrice smiled and put away her staff until mars tail cut Beatrice's legs and Beatrice gasped out in pain asuka isn't going to let someone hurt her aunt so she lunges towards mars and just about was mars about to attack asuka she quickly grabbed his tail and chopped it off with her katana
Mars screamed in pain and Beatrice backed up and fell into the ground
Mars got up and yelled at asuka
"YOU BITCH!!!!!" Screamed Mars as he waddles away quickly and Asuka checks her aunt
"Auntie Beatrice how bad is it???" Asuka said worriedly
Beatrice looks at the cut on her leg
"Eh I'll be fine." Said Beatrice
Beatrice got up and starts walking with asuka and when they got back they saw Jessie Sora Leo waking up from their unconsciousness and Artemis Jaiden Saturn Jupiter just arriving
"What happened here?" Asked Jupiter
"A crazy man with a scorpion tail with 2 sickles attacked us and even cutting my leg." Said Beatrice
Everyone looked at the sun setting
"Well don't tell everyone else we're with you guys just bring Beatrice along and find everyone else." Said Artemis
Asuka nodded as she Beatrice Jessie Sora and Leo walked back into the forest
"Well which way are we gonna go?" Asked Saturn
Jaiden took a drink
"Well we need to wait." Said Artemis

Asuka Erishima part fourWhere stories live. Discover now