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"What a Pleasant surprise, As usual, Always showing up unannounced", Iris said in sarcasm.

"The pleasure is all mine Prin....",

Huston got cut by Iris deadly glare then continued with a smug smile,

"Dr Iris", He finished rolling his eyes, Earning a smile from Iris.

"We heard what happened about a week ago",

"I know, I was surprised you didn't show up earlier", Iris said, sitting on the comfy sofa in his office, With crossed legs.

"But why Iris?....Why now?, We've been trying to keep a low profile on you since you got here, You are the only royal bloodline left, Do you know what that means?,We can't loose the only royal bloodline and our Alpha just because of some random girl".

Iris immediately glared at Huston, After hearing his last Statement. Huston bowed his head deeply before raising it up, Then continued.

"I think the Alpha sensed your energy, And now they are in for a search party, Why do you think I didn't visit the very day you woke her up?", He asked then continued again.

"We were busy clearing your mess Iris, Alpha Sebastian wants to get you by all means, Its even gotten to the extent that he went as far as consulting one of our greatest enemy the 'WITCHES', Just to reach you, And when he can't get to you, Guess who will be next in line?". Huston threw the question at Iris face.

"He will do no such thing to her, Never....Not when I'm still alive, Sebastian will have to go through me before he gets even an inch close to that girl, I won't let him have it his way this time...Never", Iris menaced, With blazing eyes.

"What's it about that girl that you're ready to jeopardize everything just for her, Or is she your Ma...Mate?". Huston said the last line stuttering, Taking five steps back, Iris held his gaze.

"I don't feel the Mate bond....At least not YET". Iris whisper, Almost impossible for a normal human to hear.

"As of YET?", Huston whisper back.

"Yes...As of YET, I don't want a Mate right now Huston, Not now, There's just something about that girl that pick my interest, When I entered her ward last week, I felt....I felt this pulled....This force, It was very strong, And....And at the same time weak...I know I sound stupid right now...But", Iris stood up from the sofa, Pacing back and front.

"No...No not at all, You don't sound stupid, Its actually the contrary, What I want to know now are your reasons, Why do you want to risk it all?, You always have your reasons.....You're not someone who just jump into conclusion without weighing your risk, Tell me so I can know what we're about dealing with", Huston said in worry, He has never seen Iris like this.

"That's the problem Huston,' I don't have any reasonable reasons, You know me well, I'm not the kind of person that do something based on freewill, Its either I'm gaining or gaining, But with her...It just feels right, I just have this urge of protecting her, To keep her safe from whatever pending danger that's ahead of her, That's IF she chooses to LIVE anyway, And I plan on doing so to the very end, NOT EVEN Sebastian can stop me", He said dangerously low,

"Even if this ends up revealing my existence, So be it, we'll take it as the wish of the Moon Goddess, I think We've lay low long enough, Prepare your men in case of anything", Iris said, his eyes flickering between black and Wine.



The telephone on Iris desk vibrated, Bring both men from their reveries, He walked across his desk, placing the telephone to his ear.

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