Chapter 29

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Max's POV***

After Thane tells me about his date. I try not to be jealous. Then he goes and tells me that my angel is riding her bike today. I have definitely got to see this! I call Ashton and set up a lunch with her. We will meet at her office then ride to a cafe on the outskirts of town. That way I can see her ride her bike then fantasize about it until we go out this evening.

I go in to the office and work until eleven- fifteen. Then I go to Ashton's precinct. Ashton was waiting for me with a smile. I smile and kiss her softly. "Are you ready for lunch, angel?"

"I am ready, baby. Are we riding our own bikes or riding together?" Ash asked.

"Let us ride our own. I want to see you ride. Thane says that it is sexy. But I have to see it for myself." I reply.

Ashton laughs. "If that is what you want, baby. Lets get going then. I only have about fort- five minutes free."

We went outside and I watch as she mounts her bike. Damn! I lose my breath! This woman is going to be my death. A death by hard- on! But damn! What a way to go! I pay attention to the road. We get to the cafe in only a few minutes. I watch her throw her leg over the bike and think of her throwing that leg over my naked, overheated, well-loved, worn-out body. I quietly moan to myself. "My God, angel! You are killing me!" I tell her as I walk beside her into the cafe.

Ashton laughed softly. "Would you rather I go back to the office instead of eating lunch with you? I would hate to lose you before our date tonight." She replied easily as we sit in a corner booth.

"I refuse to die before we make love. Then it will be death by pleasure. I love you, angel!" We order our burgers and fries.

We eat and talk about everything on our minds. My phone rang and I checked it before ignoring it yet again.

"Who do you keep ignoring on your phone? That is the third time in half an hour." Ashton asked.

"I'm sorry, angel. My father and mother have been trying to get in touch since he called me about grandpa. I made the mistake of answering yesterday. Now they are hounding me again."

"Why don't you change your number? That is a simple solution." She tells me.

"I will when I get back to the office." Ashton nodded her head. We soon left and rode back to Ashton's office.

She gets off of the bike and comes to my bike with a smile. She reaches up for a kiss that rocks my world. I almost laid my bike over. "Be safe, baby.  Don't forget to change your number and send me a text with the new number."

"I promise that you'll be the first to know my number." I answer.

"Ok, baby. Drive carefully."

"I will, angel. I'll text when I get to the office. Feel better now?"

"Yes, I do feel better now. Now get going. I have work to do here." She replies with a sweet smile.

I crank my bike and leave the parking lot. I get to my office and text Ashton. She replied with a winking emoji and a thumbs up. I get my number changed easily and text her again. I text Thane and my boss the new number also. I also went as far as to give it to my entire contact list except for my father and mother. I told the lawyer not to give it to them also.

I get a reply from everyone but Ashton. She must be very busy. I will see her this evening. I call a deli and arrange a picnic basket for this evening.

I get back to work until my phone rang with Ashton's number. I answer immediately.

"Hello, angel."

"Hey, baby. Are you busy right now?" She sounded like she was distracted.

"I always have time for you, angel. What are you up to?"

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