The Hermit

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Can we blame our dreams for our weaknesses?

Althea Waterloo

(meaning: healer, wholesomeness)

The sun dressed in the moon. Have you ever heard that expression? Well, I did hear these worlds plenty of times, but I never really understood it. According to my mother, I was the sun, and my body was the moon. Was her intention to address the rumours being spread about me, or was she trying to comfort me by likening me to the celestial hearts of our solar system? Who knew, right? There were moments when I felt like I grasped her meaning, only to be swept away by a torrent of dark thoughts. Today, just like before, I believed I understood it all, but once again, I was mistaken. As always.

"Why do we all need this?" As our economy teacher strode into the classroom, he dropped a sudden question out of nowhere that barely made sense. Mr. Bricks had a habit of beginning his lectures with perplexing questions that left us all stumped and uncertain of how to respond. "Exactly." Seated on the ancient brown leather chair, he pointed his index finger with precision. It was some antique church, by the way. "It serves no purpose whatsoever. When you go to school, it can sometimes feel like time is slipping away with no meaningful deeds. Can any of you actually reference Shakespeare, or do any of you understand the formula from the book that you mindlessly used in your solution? With no explanation. You don't have the answer because it was never necessary for you to know." As he stood in front of the students, half of them were disinterested, while the other half attentively listened and laughed, treating him like a clown rather than a teacher. I mentally rolled my eyes. Kids. The truth you're searching for is right in front of you, camouflaged on the surface. But no one sees that, and the question is why? Are you blind? Stupid? Or just scared?" Mr. Brick tsked his tongue a few times, shaking his head.

"Better stupid than crazy," I could hear the abrupt burst of laughter coming from behind me, catching me off guard. I find the disgusting. Perhaps because I somewhat agreed with the professor, I still felt that they should have listened, even if they felt the madman's speech pointless. They should have seen. They should have listened.

"Yes, it's fear of losing your perfect illusion for the unknown, it's ignorance because you will need to work harder for yourself."

"I am sorry, professor, how is this related to Business Cycle?" Someone didn't resist and just stopped him. Well, the guy from the third raw wasn't wrong. This has nothing to do with the Business Cycle.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. It's closely related, and it's because Business Cycles have a tendency to become a straight line as the potential GDP, but it succeeded only for a few moments, when we are at full employment, or we are using all our resources, but it goes back to be above or below Potential GDP. Metaphorically saying we are business cycle. But while I can draw a graph and see there is the Potential GDP, we humans cannot see where we are and where is our straight line." Okay, now it's getting crazy. Where did he find the relation? It made little sense even in the slightest. But after a few more comments about life and meaning, Mr. Bricks came back on track and taught us economics. The old man, approximately seventy-two years old, had a head full of grey hair and hands that trembled. He seems to be a good teacher, with a big personality and a good fantasy; however, students didn't like him. They thought he was not capable of teaching them properly, and most of the time, they just bullied him.

"Hey, grandma, what's up? Did you drink your pills today?" When the lecture was done, and I was descending the stairs, some prick couldn't help himself and commented on my hair. It's not like I wasn't used to that, but I just didn't want attention. Attention that I grabbed everywhere. Even when I was going shopping, I could enter an empty store, and it ended up full of people, and every one of them staring at my hair and eyes. I have grey curly hair, and green left eye, and dark brown left eye. Since my childhood, this made people wonder why I was so ugly. What else could be done to make me look more out of order? Broken.

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