The World

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My name is nameless, my past is emptiness, my future is brightness. And I can rebuild whatever was broken.

Althea Waterloo

From the moment I first laid hands on a deck of cards, I sensed a hidden specialness within them. I could still feel the electric energy in my hands, waiting for my thumbs to work their magic. Seeking clues, delving into the essence of existence. There are those who reject the existence of magic and their own capabilities, but I embrace them. Accepting the responsibility is a challenge. As soon as you feel the power coursing through you, it is important to handle it with care. One wrong step and you are at the doors of the devil. According to my mother's books, that's what she said. She knew that any kind of magic bestowed both blessings and the heavy responsibility of knowledge upon its wielder. I often suspected that she was fleeing from her magic, a feeling that lingered whenever she acted strangely, but I couldn't know why. She attempted to protect me by keeping it a secret, but it was ultimately ineffective. As a child, I have vivid memories of venturing into the woods, feeling the soft grass beneath our bare toes and absorbing the rejuvenating energy of nature. She used to say, "Let's run from these people, darling, let's run as far as we can," she said that anytime I was feeling bad from the stares and gossips of others that crossed our path. The way she seemed to harness the natural magic to bring me peace makes me believe it wasn't just chance, but my search for written evidence yielded no results, leaving me uncertain. She believed that on Kupala night, when the two moons appeared in the sky, it was not just an interesting sight, but a doorway to the afterlife. However, this was a completely different afterlife from what we had previously believed. We have been through an afterlife of illusion that leaves us questioning what is real and what is not. Her words danced on the page as she described the magnificent creatures, their hearts overflowing with kindness that defied quantification. With profound insight, she delved into the concept of unconditional love, bestowing her blessings upon those brave individuals who yearned to liberate themselves from the snares of everyday life. She also mentioned the Angels, but I never thought that was real. Angels? Afterlife? My mother's behaviour was always questionable. Even though I had been familiar with magic since I was young, her mumbling and anxious behaviour cast doubt on the validity of certain things she had written. She called the diary with spells and stories, "A study of life and death". The name was already giving the air of something fictional, surreal, impossible.

Standing in the headmaster's office, I could hear the hushed whispers and the faint sound of papers shuffling. I wondered if my mother's stories could actually be true. And how did she know about all of that? Was she running from the same people I was facing right now? The descendants of Angels? After Eiran said that I barked into a peal of laughter, but then it occurred to me. It was real. It explained all the rumours about his shady past, the mysterious deaths on the campus, and his consistently unprofessional conduct. It explained why everyone had souls behind and around them except him, and Theron.

"Are you gonna say something? Ask questions?" Eiran sharply asked, annoyed by the stunned silence.

"Yes, you have made no noise for half an hour. To be honest, that's creepy. And we are very curious about what happened to your cheek." Theron catches my attention. I didn't notice how the time flew so fast since I was all wrapped in my head and thoughts. He looked at the bruise on my cheek. I already forgot what Monika did. Not like it mattered, anyway.

"I try to understand," my voice said raspy, for no reason.

"It's not going to be easy. You should have been taught by your parents about yourself," Eiran seemed to be mad at me. Even more mad than before.

"What have I done now?"

"As if you don't know? Lying about your mother's death it's too much, even for hiding what you were actually doing under the full moon." Excuse me? Are we starting this again?

A Study Of AfterlifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant