43. Finally

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No one's POV:

Clay and George, a beautiful pair. They got their lives together, they moved out of that tiny apartment where they shared the most memories. Sadly, someone was left behind.


She got sick, very sick. Clay was absolutely torn apart. George on the other hand supported him through it.

And Beverly. How could someone so precious already be five years old? George longed for having her be a small baby again. Now she's running around, she's wild with Clay, her dad.

The only thing left is, marriage. They decided to wait, Clay definitely proposed way too soon.

George walked through the front doors, the window was framed with a beautiful welded design. He was greeted by his daughter, rushing towards him, trailing behind her was a tall, tired, and worn out man.

"Hey, baby, welcome home," the taller pulled George into him, leaving all his weight on George's right shoulder.

"Nice to see you too, darling"

Beverly waited patiently for her dads to finish being what she called "gross."

Clay pulled away from the brunette and glared at Beverly, "you're going to love someone one day, bevs."

Beverly began fake gaging and started a game of tag with the blonde. He groaned loudly and turned to George, "you act like a kid, she just wants to play, darling." The little girl began giving pleading eyes towards her father (clay) and he finally gave in, "last game and then I'm going to bed"

Beverly's jaw dropped and she walked towards Clay hugging his legs and looking up at him, "but daddy, you can't!! We still have to watch Disney, draw, and go to the park!"

George smiled as he walked away to get himself situated, and ready to make food.

"Princess, we'll have to do some of that tomorrow, plus tomorrow is Monday we have to go get school clothes," the taller bent down and picked her up and set her on his waist.

"Daddy, I don't want to go back to kindergarten, kids are mean," the blonde gave her a puzzled look, "mean? How about we go tell dada as well, okay?" She nodded and wrapped her arms around her dad.

George was in their room, getting into comfortable clothes, he had just slipped his shirt on when Clay barged in.

"Woah, I just finished getting dressed, what's wrong?" Clay sighed as he ran his fingers through his daughter's hair, "I think kids are mean to her in school."

The brunette's face grew concerned, he walked up to the blonde's shoulder where his daughter's face was resting, "what's happening at school, sweetie?"

"People are mean, dada, I don't want to go. They bully me, they told me that.." her voices began to break and George tried his best to not get upset at her beginning to cry. But Clay already had tears swelled in his eyes.

He could never handle his daughter being upset, especially something that's technically (not) their fault.

"..they told me that having two dads is weird, and that you guys don't love me. They were my friends, dada, then once they found out I have two dads they turned on me!"

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