Portrait of an Almost Teenager: an imitation

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Middle school-age is no age at all. Seventh grade is nothing.

It's not smart, or mascara and lipgloss, or ditzy,

Or nightly news, or crop tops,

Or advanced classes, or maturity.

Elementary school has its tag and swings. Bt middle school

Is neither first loves nor Barbie playsets,

Not My Little Pony, or staying up to watch the Grammys,

Or reading Shakespeare in school.

Middle school keeps a journal

But doesn't write in it much (about a month full of entries); giggles passing the playground

Cannot, would fortune grant it, name its wish;

Wants to be young and to grow up;

Keeps secrets within itself, enemies it doesn't know;

Cannot even fathom its deepest fears;

Puts on a different face every single day;

And walks on pins and needles.

Middle school's amorphous- everywhere and not tangible at all.

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