Paper Rings- Christian Eckes

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(These characters you can find starring in Hopelessly Devoted to You)

"Hey, Eckes, wait up." Christian heard the voice of Connor Walker, his girlfriend's oldest brother, coming from behind him. Christian slowed down so Connor could catch up. Connor caught up before they pair starting walking towards the garage. Connor worked for Front Row Motorsports, working as one of the lead engineers on the Cup side. He was probably one of the smartest people Christian knew.
"You and my sister." Christian rolled his eyes.
"Don't act surprised. We've been together since October, her birthday."
"I know, I'm just surprised you didn't ask me."
"Connor, she's an adult. I don't think I needed to ask you if I can date her."
"I didn't even know you liked her. I knew she liked you. Hell, everyone knew she liked you."
"Listen, I'm glad it's you. Isla is...Isla." Christian knew what that meant. Isla was like nobody Christian knew. She was bubbly and bouncy, the kindest and soft spoked person he knew. She would also, without warning, tear you a new asshole if need be. She had done that to Burton a few months ago. "Honestly, lowkey, I'm afraid of what Isla is capable of. I heard what she did to Burton."
"She's loyal to a fault."
"What are you intentions with my sister?" Christian stopped walking. Connor stopped as well, standing in front of the younger man. "If it wasn't just us kids, I wouldn't be asking, but..." Christian knew. Grant and Lydia had a complicated relationship with the four Walker siblings; 28-year-old Connor, 26-year-old Iliana, 24-year-old Colby, and 21-year-old Isla; for the last few years. Connor had taken it upon himself to become the 'father figure' to his younger siblings.
"Six months, Walker. That's how long Isla and I've been together."
"Which is longer than Natalie and I had been together and Iliana and Ezra had been together before we got engaged..." Christian laughed.
"Are we jumping the gun, Walker?"
"I don't want to think so, but..." the pair stood there for a while before Connor spoke again. "You do know you have my blessing. Even if you think it's too early."
"Thanks, I guess." Connor gave the young man's shoulder a squeeze before heading towards the Cup garage. Christian honestly had no idea what prompted the conversation until he caught sight of Isla. His heart swelled and his hands got sweaty. When they finally made eye contact, Christian swore his heart skipped a beat when she beamed at him. Christian stood still as Isla came bounding up to him.
"Hi." Isla leaned up and pressed a kiss to her boyfriend's lips.
"Hi." Christian wrapped an arm around her waist, returning the kiss.
"Missed you."
"You saw me this morning."
"Too long ago." She replied, pressing another kiss to his lips.
"You're impossible, Walker."
"Only when it comes to you, Eckes." She smiled. Christian finally noticed her hair.
"What did you do when I left this morning?" Christian took a chunk of her hair in his hand, twirling it between his fingers. Her once golden locks now had pastel pink highlights in it.
"I had my hair appointment this morning."
"I know. I just didn't know this was happening."
"I honestly didn't either, but when Emery suggested I did something outside my comfort zone..."
"You like your comfort zones."
"I do, but I decided to take a chance. Do you not like it?" Isla asked. Christian saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes.
"Isla, don't be upset. I like it, I promise. It's just different."
"Good because I was kind of scared that you were going to hate it and you wouldn't want to be seen with me and..." Christian just smiled as Isla rambled. She did that a lot, but Christian didn't care. He could listen to her talk all the time. "And you would just leave me."
"Woah, woah, woah. Isla Elizabeth, where did that come from?"
"I don't know, I just..." Isla looked down at her feet.
"Walk with me, Walker." Christian took her hand in his before they started towards pit road. He couldn't be late for qualifying. "Why would you think I'd leave you over hair?"
"I don't know."
"I love you, remember?"
"I know, I love you too. I still just wait for the other shoe to drop."
"The other shoe isn't going to drop, Isla. You're stuck with me."
"And you're stuck with me." Isla said, his favorite kind of smile returning.
"Good. Besides, I would marry you even if you had no hair."
"You heard me. I would marry you with a paper ring, a ring pop, even one of those rings from those quarter machines you insist on getting something out of every time you find one." Isla was quiet. They made it to his truck just in time for qualifying. "Isla."
"Hmm?" She looked over at him.
"You okay?"
"You want to marry me?"
"Eckes, let's go!" They heard his crew chief holler.
"I gotta go. Don't overthink what I just told you, okay?" Christian pressed a kiss to her lips. "Go do some work, SHR intern."
"Go." Christian turned and left her standing there, definitely overthinking what he had said.
Christian had yet to bring up what he had said earlier in the day and it was now race time.  Christian qualified on the front row with Ty Majeski. Isla had kept herself busy with the Xfinity Series, helping the 00 team qualify second for Saturday night's race. It didn't help her not overthink his words. Isla had changed out of her company issued polo and into a tank top. Over the tank top Isla had put on the custom Eckes jacket she had gotten made from an Etsy shop she stumbled upon. She loved the girl's work so much, Isla had gotten Elle a Herbst jacket and Kaia a Smith jacket. Isla finally stepped out of the 00 hauler where she had changed to head to the 19 truck.
"Isla." She heard her brother's voice from behind her. Isla stopped and waited for her brother to catch up. "Hey, kiddo. Ready for the race tonight?"
"Yeah. Christian has a good truck." They stood there for a few minutes before Connor spoke.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm not sure."
"What did Eckes say to you, Isla?"
"Why do you think Christian said something to me, Connor?"
"Considering the conversation we had earlier in the day..."
"What did you say to him, Connor Everett Walker?!" Isla demanded. Isla surprised herself by raising her voice at her brother.
"What the hell, Connor? I've never once mettled in any of your relationships and you go ahead and probably said something stupid!"
"I just asked him what were his intentions with my little sister." Isla threw her hands up as turned away from him. "Am I not supposed to?" She turned back towards him.
"Connor, while I appreciate you being my protective big brother, I am an adult. I don't need you doing that."
"You're 21. The same age I was when I married Natalie and Illiana was when she married Ezra."
"Oh my God. You're the reason why he said what he said."
"What did he say?"
"Nope. This conversation is over. I am very cross with you, Connor. I have somewhere to be."
"You're lucky I won't call your wife and tell her what you did." Isla turned on her heel before leaving her brother. Isla couldn't believe Connor.  Charles and the crew were at the truck by the time Isla got there.
"What's with the frown, Walker?" Charles asked his driver's girlfriend.
"My brother has a death wish."
"Just figuring out how to do it."
"How to do what?" Isla turned at the sound of her boyfriend's voice. "Woah, what's with the frown, Walker?"
"Why did you let Connor plant some crazy idea in your head today?" Christian stood there and stared at him. "He's dead."
"I think that's a little extreme, Isla."
"He didn't have to say a word to you and now..." Isla let out a sharp sigh.
"Come here." Isla walked over to him. "You're working yourself up when you don't need to. Everything will be fine."
"But..." Christian cut her off with a kiss. Before she could protest more, opening ceremonies started. After the anthem, they turned to each other. "Good luck." Isla said, giving him a kiss. Christian returned the kiss before she headed towards the pit box. Isla climbed up onto the box, finding a legal page sitting in front of her. An idea popped into Isla's head at that very moment. Ripping a piece off, Isla got to work. She worked on it for a good portion of the race as Christian dominated on track, cruising to the win. Isla stood back letting Christian do his interview. After his interview, Isla came over to him.
"My good luck charm." Christian said, holding out his hand for her.
"I'm no good luck charm."
"You 100% are." Christian gave her a kiss.
"I have something for you." Isla said.
"What's that?" He asked before she handed it to him. "What am I looking at, Walker?"
"You said you'd marry me with a paper ring. So..."
"What are you asking me right now, Isla Elizabeth?"
"I'm asking you, Christian Donald, to marry me."

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