Chapter 3: I wanna watch the world burn

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You and the kids decide to just watch a movie. There is still no sign of Michael. You're in the middle of the movie when Elizabeth pipes up.

"I'm getting a drink." Elizabeth says, getting up and running off.

"Okay, good luck" you say, still focused of the movie. It's a pretty good one.

"RAAAAAA!!!!!!" Michael jumps up from behind the couch with a foxy mask, scaring you half to death. He laughs like it's the most hilarious thing when a shocked Evan falls off the couch and starts crying.

"MICHAEL!! What the actual FUCK!?!? You think that's FUNNY?? BITCH!!" You yell

Michael smiles. "Hilarious. What can you do to stop me bitch?"

You stand up and shove him. Michael stumbles back, a bit shocked.

"You're a jerk Michael. Stop it bitch."

Michael is surprised. No one's ever stood up to him. He's about to say something when you hear Elizabeth manically laughing and then screaming. You smell smoke.

"Elizabeth what the-AAaaaAaAaAAAAaaAaAAAAAaa!!!!!!!!" Elizabeth's scream cuts you off as she runs in.

"FIIIIIIIREEEEEEE!!!!!!" Elizabeth screeches. The fire alarms go off. Elizabeth and Evan are sobbing. You pick up still sobbing Evan and start running. You make it outside and turn to see a panicking Michael running with Elizabeth. Elizabeth's screams have turned into crazy laughter. What is up with that girl? You stand outside and watch the house burn to the ground. Oh god your parents were inside. Hopefully they're okay. Yep. Your parents run out.

"WHO DID THAT?!?!" Yells William at the exact same tone as your mom yells, "OH GOD YOU GUYS ARENT HURT THANK THE LORD!"

"MICHAEL DID IT" yells Elizabeth.
"WHAT??? No i didn't!!! You did!!!" Michael yells.
"I don't know who did it!" You yell.
"The animatronics that visit and attempt to kill Me or Michael depending on who you ask in this near future that are known as Nightmare animatronics though no one truly knows what they are or their lore relevance did it." Evan adds in.
"What?" William asks.
"What?" Evan responds.

"Everyone just calm down and tell me what happened." Your mom says.

Everyone is talking at the same time. Suddenly Elizabeth starts crying and yells. "I DID IT!! I bumped the stove when I was getting water and I didn't mean to!! I'm sorry!" Elizabeth says crying.

"It's okay Elizabeth, your okay, everyone's... wait.. where's B/N?!?!" Your mom asks frantically. You look around. Oh god. You never got him.

"I thought he was with you!!" You yell.
"NO!! Omg B/N!!! B/N!!!" Your mom yells as she starts running trying to find him. B/N bursts out the front door, trips, and rolls to your moms feet.


While your mom and B/N have tearful reunion, you pipe up.

"But uh... Where will we stay?!" You ask.

"Oh!" William says in his usual sleazy voice.

"You guys can stay with us!"

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