thinking again

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From what I've seen, when things go to shit there are two different kinds of people: the kind who hurt themselves, and the kind who hurt others. I think I'm both. I hate that those are the only options. Why are those the only options? Why does someone always have to suffer?

Did you know that at least 90% of illnesses are caused or worsened by stress? How is it that something that happens inside our heads affects us so much physically?

Sometimes it's easy to forget that we're all human. Sometimes it feels like we're the only ones who don't have it all together but the truth is that literally no one has it all together all the time. I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but I do think that we are who we are for some reason or another. Like, I could be anyone at all, and I'm me. And it's up to me to make my life mean something. Because if it doesn't mean anything then what's the point?

Is it possible to be happy again after you've lost the person who made you want to live again after all you wanted was to disappear?

If I think about that last one for too long I'm going to start crying again, and I've spent way too much time doing that the last few weeks. There are only so many Taylor Swift songs I can cry to anyway.

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