The Troubled Past Back For Revenge

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Time skip 3 months

I'm walking to the station and as I'm almost across the street a van comes out of nowhere and I'm pulled in and blindfolded and my first instinct is to play dead. I'm not sure why it was my go to thing but it seemed to work because whoever these people are they started freaking out and I couldn't help but bust up laughing as I manage to sit up.

Gracelynn:wow you really are not the smartest people if you thought you killed me

Guy #1: shut up before we actually kill you

Guy #2: you can't harm her dumbass or boss will be pissed.

Guy #3: we have to take her and drop her unharmed or we are in trouble. Tie her up for now and ans gag her so she can't talk for fuck sake

Gracelynn: you don't have to gag or tie me up I'm going to take a nap and do whatever say

Guy #3: well we are doing it anyways

Gracelynn: okay. It's not necessary but if you feel it is then do it.

After the guys tied me up and gagged me I did exactly what I said I was going to my ass took a nap. I wasn't worried because I knew my brother and the 118 would come looking for me when they realised I as gone. I mean the guys may have took kidnapped me but they weren't the smartest because they didn't take my phone or anything actually. By the time I woke up it was dark out and I was tied to a random old bed and there was nobody to be seen or heard. I still wasn't worried because I know I'd be found eventually.

So it's been about 3 days and I'm still here tied to this bed. I haven't eaten or even had anything to drink and I'm starting to worry. I mean they have had to of noticed I'm gone by now right? I would've called or texted someone but there's no service here wherever I am and my phone died. The only think I can really do is sleep and pray that they find me or I'm let go. I've been trying to figure out who those guys were and why the kidnapped me but nothing comes to mind . I'm sitting on the bed thinking when I hear someone enter the house and I freeze and start to panic. Then I see a man walking towards me with an evil smirk on his face and that's when I know I'm in danger. I should've fought to get away when they kidnapped me. I should've done something besides take that stupid fucking nap. While I get lost in thought about the things I could've done the man comes closer to me and then gets on the bed with me gagging me and that's when I really panic and start to thrash around. It doesn't do much good because I'm tied up in the starfish pose and that's when I realize it's freezing and when I look down my clothes are gone.

The guy: calm down we are washing your clothes for you. You will have them ba k when they are done but for now you are going to listen to me. You don't know who I am but I know who you are Gracelynn and I know who your family is. So when you get your clothes back you will use your little pager and you'll page your dear brother a code that will tell him exactly where you are and then we will wait and see if they all come to your rescue and if so we will let you go in exchange for your little boyfriend but it not then we will have to take him forcefully and make you watch while we kill him amd everyone you care about. Do you understand?

Nods a little crying and refuses to look at the guy scared to death of what he is going to do to buck or why he even wants him.

The guy: good girl. Now I'm leaving but I'll see you in 4 days with your clothes and pager. Hopefully nobody comes in here while I'm gone.

Watches him walk out and lays there scared for my life and everyone else's and locks around to try and get a clue as to where I am when it all hit at once. The family cabin that nobody's been to since eddie enlisted. How do these guys know about this place? How do they know who I am and what do they want with Evan?

Eddie's POV

It's been 3 days since anyone has heard from or seen gracelynn and I'm starting to really panic tià has Christopher ever since that day and Bobby has given me the week off to try and find her. I had Athena ping her phone but the last place it pinged was the middle of the interstate and a search time has already been through it. Gracelynn would never disappear like this without saying something first. She's in trouble and I know. Buck tried taking off to help me look but I told him to sta and work and hopefully she'll turn up to the station or at a call. I've checked everywhere I know that she'd go and then everywhere she'd go to hide out. I even called our parents to see if she went home but they said she hasn't been back and that they don't care because it wouldn't be the first times she's disappeared. I've not been sleeping the past 3 weeks so hearing that caused a fight and now we're not on speaking terms but I'm not giving up on finding my baby sister. I know she is out there amd I know she needs my help. I found my pager that we got while I was deployed because I know that if she can't use her phone she'll use the pager. I'm just hoping it won't be to late by time I find her. I refuse to let anyone stop looking for her even if I have to call in the military. I'll do whatever it takes to bring my sister back home safe

Time skips 4 days later

After 4 long days of constant torture I'm finally brought my clothes and pager. They untied me earlier that morning while I was asleep but locked me in a room with no windows so I couldn't escape. No sooner they handed me my things I went to grab my pager and that's when it happened everything went black.

Authors note//

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this until now life has been stressful and busy but hopefully I'll be ale to upload the next chapter tomorrow. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. If you have any suggestions as to why she was kidnapped please send them to me or comment because as of right now I don't have a clue as to what to say. Thank you all for reading my story so far. Hope you all have an amazing day tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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