2.Mystery Visitor

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Today was the day Emilia had been eagerly anticipating for months-her twelfth birthday.
As she woke up to the soft morning light passed through her curtains, a sense of excitement bubbled within her.
Today was going to be a day to remember.

As Emilia made her way to the communal dining area for breakfast, she was greeted by the cheerful faces of her fellow orphans, each one offering her warm wishes for her special day. Sara and Raymond were already there, their smiles widening as they saw Emilia enter the room.

"Happy birthday, Emma!" Sara exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you ready for tonight's party?"
Emilia beamed, nodding eagerly. "I can't wait! It's going to be amazing."
Raymond chimed in, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "You know we've been planning this for weeks, right? It's going to be the best party ever."
Emilia grinned, her heart feeling light with happiness. "I know. I'm so grateful to have you both by my side."
Raymond nodded in agreement, his face beaming with pride.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world, Emma."
Emilia laughed, feeling grateful for the love and support of her friends.

Together, they spent the morning preparing for the festivities ahead, decorating the common area with streamers and balloons, and arranging the tables with plates of delicious treats.
But amidst the excitement of Emilia's birthday preparations, there lingered a shadow of unease.

Later that afternoon, as Emilia helped Mom in the kitchen, she noticed a tension in her demeanor-a subtle shift from her usual calm and composed self. She knew from the stuff that she has received a letter this morning and since then she wasn't fine.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Emilia asked, concern coloring her voice as she chopped vegetables for the birthday dinner.
Mom forced a smile, but Emilia could see the worry in her eyes. "It's nothing, sweetheart."
Emilia frowned, sensing that there was more to Mom's unease than she was letting on.

Before she could press further, there was a knock at the door, causing both Emilia and Mom to curious who was outside.
A shiver ran down Emilia's spine as she watched Mom's expression darken with fear.
Through the frosted glass of the front door, a shadowy figure loomed, his features obscured by the dim light of the evening.

Who is it, Mom?" Emilia whispered, her heart pounding in her chest.
Mom's voice trembled as she whispered back, "Stay here, Emilia. Don't come out."
But Emilia couldn't resist the urge to see for herself.
Peeking through a crack in the door, she caught a glimpse of the visitor-a tall, menacing figure cloaked in darkness, his eyes gleaming with malice.
As their eyes met, Emilia felt a surge of fear wash over her.

There was something about the man's gaze that made her skin crawl, a predatory gleam that sent shivers down her spine, a primal instinct warning her to stay away.

But before she could retreat, the man spoke, his voice low and menacing.
"Hi Lorenzo, or it is Tessa now?, long time no see, you thought I wouldn't find you? You thought that I will ever forget what the Lorenzos have done to Luc."
He spit in furry. "But don't worry. I'm coming for you and her sooner than what you think. You can't hide forever."
And he laughed maniacally.

Emilia's breath caught in her throat as she heard the man's words, her mind reeling with fear and confusion.

Lorenzo? Who was he? What did he want with Mom? And who is Tessa!
Back inside the safety of the kitchen, Emilia found Mom trembling, her hands shaking as she clutched onto the counter for support.

"Mom, what's going on?" Emilia asked, her voice quivering with fear.
Mom took a deep breath, her eyes brimming with tears.
"It's nothing, Emilia. Just a... a misunderstanding."
But Emilia could see through the facade, sensing the depth of Mom's fear. With a heavy heart, she reached out to her, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace.
It's okay, Mom," Emilia whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm here for you. Always."
And as they stood there in the safety of their home, Emilia couldn't help but feel a surge of love and gratitude for the woman who had raised her as her own.

"Come Emma, I wanna give you something."
Emilia followed Mom to her room.
Alice opened her drawer, Emilia saw a photo where her Mom was standing with a man and four boys, Alice quickly hid the photo and gave Emilia a small, velvet box containing a delicate silver necklace, adorned with a sparkling sapphire pendant, engraved with their both names.
Tears welled up in Emilia's eyes as she realized the significance of the gift.
"It's beautiful, Mom," Emilia whispered, her voice choked with emotion as she embraced her mother tightly.
"Thank you."

And in that moment, as they held each other close, Emilia knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, her mom love would always be a guiding light in the darkness.

This is the end of chapter #2.
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